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Over the next couple of months, Square Enix will be rolling out a few Final Fantasy games for Switch. Final Fantasy VII drops on March 26, Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster lands on April 16, and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age closes things out on April 30.

All these of these releases are now up for pre-load on the eShops worldwide. File sizes for each are as follows:

Capcom has dated a trio of Resident Evil classics for Switch. Resident Evil 0, 1, and 4 are all launching on May 21. Pre-orders will go live on the eShop starting February 28.

In North America, Capcom will offer a Resident Evil Origins Collection bundle at retail that features Resident Evil 0 and 1. They will be separate digital downloads in Europe.


Gamera Interactive today announced a partnership with QubicGames that will see the release of Unit 4 on Switch. Its launch is planned for March 15.

Here’s an overview of the platformer, along with a trailer:

Trials Rising

Ubisoft is promoting today’s launch of Trials Rising with a new trailer. We’ve included the video below.

After announcing Claybook for Switch earlier this month, developer Second Order has quickly followed up with a specific release date. We’ll be seeing it on the eShop as of March 12.

Along with today’s news, a new trailer for Claybook has arrived. Check it out below for a look at how you can create and transform worlds in the game.

Source: Second Order PR

Horizon Chase Turbo is only available as a digital download at the moment. Back in November, Aquiris released its racer on the eShop. But could a physical version be in the cards as well?

A new rating for Horizon Chase Turbo recently appeared on the ESRB website. It’s noteworthy due to the company that’s listed as publisher: PM Studios. PM Studios has brought several eShop-only games to retail, including Voez, Musynx, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, and more. It certainly looks like Horizon Chase Turbo could be one of its future physical releases.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


Square Enix has shared two new Final Fantasy trailers. We have the latest videos for Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age below, which are both launching in April.

Saints Row: The Third was announced for Switch at Gamescom back in August. There haven’t been any updates since then, but Deep Silver finally provided an update today. It’s been confirmed that Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package will be available starting May 10.

Here’s an overview for the game:

The Caligula Effect: Overdose

NIS America issued a new video for The Caligula Effect: Overdose today. View a video focusing on The Ostinato Musicians below.

As revealed by retailer listings, Summer Pockets has received its release date. The romance visual novel is due out in Japan on June 20.

VNDB offers up the following overview for Summer Pockets:

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