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Peach Ball: Senran Kagura has received a new batch of details and screenshots all about the Dressing Room feature. We’ve rounded up everything below, courtesy of Gematsu. Note: a NSFW warning is in place here.

Various retailers have come forward with the first official assets for BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition on Switch. We have the boxart above, an overview below, and first screenshots below.

The Room

As of today, Team17 and Fireproof Games are offering The Room on the Switch eShop. Watch the official launch trailer below.

Diablo III: Eternal Collection

Western Switch owners will get to play Diablo III on Nintendo Switch quite soon when the Eternal Collection launches on November 2. However, Japanese fans will have to wait a bit longer – Famitsu revealed today that the game will launch in Japan on December 27. Naturally, it will feature all the same content that’s in the Western version, including the Ganondorf costume.


The latest Bound Hero Battle is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. You will have to face off against Ephraim and Myrrh. The BHB will run until October 25th. For the same duration, a special Summoning Focus will also be available. The focus units are Ephraim: Restoration Lord, Myrrh: Great Dragon and Eirika: Anamnesis Lady.

The Heroic Feats event has moved on to its third round. This time, players must send infantry-type units into battle a collective 60 million times until October 22nd. Once again, the final 24 hours of the event will be a bonus period where each Hero counts double. The reward, should players succeed, will be a 4-star Marisa: Crimson Flash.

Finally, Tactics Drills has received its usual Thursday update. The new map “Frelia’s Sacred Twins” can be found in the Skill Studies section.

The latest Persona Q2 character trailer is here, and it’s all about Persona 3’s Mitsuru:

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Death Mark, My Hero: One’s Justice, SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, Windjammers, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Because the condition for the second round of Heroic Feats hit the target of 30 million, all players will receive a 4★ Berkut: Prideful Prince. Log in by the end of October to accept him from your Present List.

The next round of Heroic Feats runs from October 18 to 22.

Ahead of the  release of Kunio-kun: The World Classics Collection on December 20 in Japan for Switch, Arc System Works announced that the three “related titles” they teased are Double Dragon I, II, and III and will be part of the collection. Here’s a full list of the titles included, courtesy of Gematsu.

Japanese Titles (11)

  • Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku
  • Nekketsu Koukou Dodge Ball Bu
  • Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu
  • Nekketsu! Street Basket
  • Nekketsu Koukou Dodge Ball Bu: Soccer Hen
  • Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku: Harukanaru Kin Medal
  • Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League
  • Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu
  • Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
  • Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari
  • Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zen’in Shuugou!

Overseas Titles (4)

  • Renegade
  • Super Dodge Ball
  • River City Ransom
  • Crash ‘n the Boys Street Challenge

Related Titles (3)

  • Double Dragon
  • Double Dragon II
  • Double Dragon III

Early Purchase Bonus Title (1)

  • Hanazono Koukou Dodge Ball Bu


GameXplain was able to obtain 10 minutes of direct-feed gameplay of  Diablo III: Eternal Collectio on Switch. You can view footage of the first handheld version of the beloved RPG below.

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