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Now that we’ve received Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors, maybe audiences are ready for the series that inspired them. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition DX launches physically and digitally in Japan on December 27. No Western release date was announced. Similar games were only ever released in Japan, so no guarantee it ever gets one.


Minecraft delivered its next big update for Switch, which adds Scoreboard features, new times food can be eaten, and a bunch of smaller changes. Here are the full patch notes:

Hamster has announced that it will release two more classic games on Switch this week. For its NeoGeo title, Strikers 1945 Plus will be available. Ninja-Kid II will represent the arcade side of things.

Here’s an overview of both:

A new update for the Android version of the Switch Parental Controls mobile app will notice that a new update is now available. Nintendo has issued version 1.7.1 which, in addition to bug fixes, adds support to Android 9.0. Here are the patch notes:

  • Support Android 9.0.
  • Implemented bug fixes.


Tomorrow Corporation will soon be bringing 7 Billion Humans, a followup to Human Resource Machine, to Switch. Get a look at some footage below.

With Valkyria Chronicles making its way to Switch today, that marks the third time that SEGA has released the game. See how the Switch version compares to the PS4 and PS3 versions below.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

System: Switch
Release date: October 16, 2018
Developer: Omega Force
Publisher: Koei Tecmo

The Warriors series spans decades across a multitude of eras, spinoffs, and properties, and has become a cornerstone in what it means to have feel-good hack-and-slash gameplay that’s as fun as it is memorable and unique. Warriors Orochi itself – a crossover between the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series – is over ten years old now, and with each new entry has come new mechanics, more playable characters, and a story that’s as wacky as it is over-the-top with its action prowess. Warriors Orochi 4 has its biggest roster yet, spanning 170 characters across both series each with their own era, specialty, class, weapon, and fighting style. The biggest difference between this and other entries, however, is the inclusion of magic, which really helps to change things up and introduce a fresh and exciting way to execute moves and combos out on the battlefield.

Nintendo has returned with a new piece of music for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Today’s track is Flash Man Stage, which was originally from Mega Man 2.

Keiichi Okabe, who is perhaps best known for working on the soundtracks of the NieR games, is behind the arrangement. We have today’s music piece below.

Yomawari: The Long Night Collection

Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of October 25. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


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