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New details have arrived for the Ultra Spooky Cup, the latest battle competition playable in the latest Pokémon 3DS games. Only scary Pokémon can be used, and players will receive a shiny Mimikyu as a reward. has more details:

This is a Single Battle Competition where players use various spooky related Pokémon including Ghost-types, Dark-types, and those which have been known to wear costumes, and more even allowing for some Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. For a full list of eligible Pokémon, check out our Online Competition Section. Mega Stones are not permitted. All Pokémon will be raised to Level 50 for the duration of the competition.

Download Rules are now available for this competition in the Festival Plaza. Registration runs from October 18th through October 25th, 2018. Battles will run from October 26th through October 28th. All entrants will get Shiny Mimikyu as a reward which will be distributed to qualifying players in November.


Aqua Style published the first trailer for Touhou Genso Wanderer: Lotus Labyrinth, which is launching April 25 in Japan on Switch. Get a look at the video below.

Nintendo is back with another storyboard from Super Mario Odyssey. You can view the clip below, which comes midway through the game.


Fire Emblem Heroes’ next big update has arrived. Version 2.10.0 is here, allowing users to choose between High Quality and Lite Data versions. Abyssal difficulty has also been added for for Grand Hero Battle maps.

Here’s the notice from Nintendo about the update:

Nintendo Switch

Update: Patch notes added below.

Original: About a month ago, Switch received its major 6.0.0 update. It paved the way for Nintendo Switch Online and cloud saves, among other things.

Nintendo has now released the latest firmware update. Version 6.01 is out now and can be downloaded by all users. No word yet on what is included, but it’s likely a small patch. When we hear more about the latest firmware, we’ll update this post.

Demon’s Crystals was recently brought to the Switch eShop. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Retailer listings have revealed that Air Conflicts Double Pack. North America and Europe will both be getting the mini collection towards the start of next year.

Air Conflicts Double Pack includes two games – Secret Wars and Pacific Carries. We have overviews and trailers for the arcade flight sims below.

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

DrinkBox unexpectedly brought Guacamelee to Switch today – with its sequel following in December. Take a look at some footage below.

Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San

Nicalis has sent out a brief trailer promoting the new release date for Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San. View it below.

Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San launches October 30 on the eShop for $14.99.

Bandai Namco sent out a new wave of details for My Hero: One’s Justice today. Fans are treated to a look at Endeavor, who will be available as a pre-order bonus or can be purchased separately for the October 26 launch.

Here’s the rundown:

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