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Next weekend, another Party Crash will be taking place for ARMS. Byte & Barq and Dr. Coyle will be battling it out in the latest event. “ARMS Labs Exposed” is the theme.

You can participate in the new ARMS Party Crash starting September 7. It’ll last until September 10, and we’ll have the results shortly after.



A couple of weeks ago, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit, essentially an enhanced edition of Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi, was announced for Nintendo Switch. Today, Koei Tecmo revealed the release date for the game in Japan: November 29th. In addition to the standard edition, there will also be a “Premium Box” which contains the game, the soundtrack on CD, an artbook, a historical events guide and a special in-game scenario, “Toyotomi’s Counterattack”.


Fire Emblem Heroes update

The next major update for Fire Emblem Heroes is on the way. Version 2.9.0 will be available in early September. Here are some of the major changes coming to the game with this update:

  • Relay Defense maps: Relay Defense maps will start to appear in Special Maps starting on September 8th. They will be released periodically instead of Rival Domains maps; Relay Defense maps will be active for two weeks at a time while Rival Domains maps will be active for one week at a time. Like Rival Domains, Relay Defense is played with brigades. As the name suggests, this mode is more focused on defending your territory. Every two turns, your active Heroes will be swapped in and out in groups of five. You will receive a score based on how many enemies you defeat and how many of your Heroes survive.
  • Weapon Refinery Update: Cherche: Wyvern Friend and Odin; Potent Force will be able to learn new character-specific weapon skills: Cherche’s Axe and Odin’s Grimoire, respectively. Also, additional refining options will be added for Celica: Caring Princess’ weapon, Ragnarok.
  • Combat Manuals: Combat Manuals will essentially be a new way to preserve space in your barracks. You can send a Hero back to their world to create a Combat Manual of them – you will no longer be able to use them in battle, but you can use that Combat Manual for the purposes of Inherit Skill and Merge Allies. Combat Manuals don’t use up barracks slots and you can have up to 9,999 of each type of Combat Manual. However, note that you can’t turn Combat Manuals back into combat-usable Heroes.

There will also be a variety of smaller changes:

  • You will be able to check the blessing season on the Edit Team screen
  • You will have the option of having your team appear on the right-hand side of the screen in Tap Battle
  • You will be able to switch between Reserve Teams and Primary Teams in the UI for battles that require a second team, such as Tempest Trials and Arena Assault
  • In Grand Conquests, a warning will be displayed when there are 10 minutes or less remaining in each battle
  • New friend requests that are awaiting confirmation will now be displayed at the top of the list
  • On Android devices, tapping the back icon during battle will open the Battle menu

Atlus has released the latest character-focused trailer for Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth. This one focuses on the navigator from Persona 5, Futaba Sakura:

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include Broken Sword 5, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, The Gardens Between, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Yesterday, Mega Man 11 developer Tsuchiya Kazuhiro visited Taiwan to present the title to the Chinese media. When asked about another entry in the Mega Man X series at a press conference, Kazuhiro clarified that there isn’t one in development. He said he can’t say they’re “doing nothing” but a Mega Man X sequel depends on the reception to Mega Man 11.

Source, Via

English readers can now access the official Dragalia Lost website. It provides details of the characters, the dragons, and gameplay.

You can also pre-register for the Dragalia Lost app on Android and iOS with your Nintendo account here. Pre-ordering will net you an in-game gift when it launches on September 27 in the U.S.

We have a few new videos for Nintendo and Cygames’ new mobile title Dragalia Lost. Along with the full Direct presentation, we have a mix of English and Japanese trailers. All videos can be found below.

Nintendo has sent out a press release recapping some of the information showcased in today’s Nintendo Direct. We have the full announcement below.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp’s latest update is now available to download. Nintendo has issued version 1.8.0.

Today’s update includes some changes and improvements. We have the full patch notes below.

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