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Western 1849 Reloaded

Western 1849 Reloaded is out today on the Switch eShop. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove still doesn’t have a release date. However, there is one thing we do know: there will be a physical version.

Limited Run announced the physical release today. Fans at PAX West can celebrate the news by picking up a commemorative Genesis case.

ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove launches later this year.

Persona Q2 trailer #2

Posted on 6 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Atlus just released a brand new video for Persona Q2. Have a look at the game’s second trailer below.

Persona Q2 launches November 29 in Japan.

Beginning in September, Nintendo will be hosting a series of workshops across the United States to encourage kids to let their DIY talents run wild with Nintendo Labo. These hourlong workshops provide “interactive activities using the Nintendo Labo: Variety Kit, as well as on-site ‘lab assistants,’ experts in white lab coats and fun colored shirts who will help attendees learn the ins and outs of Nintendo Labo.”

Workshops will be held in the following areas:

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 46,259
PS4 – 14,122
PS4 Pro – 8,716
New 2DS LL – 5,015
Vita – 2,540
New 3DS LL – 2,420
2DS – 362
Xbox One X – 58
Xbox One – 53

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Switch – 54,647
PS4 – 20,911
New 2DS LL – 7,872
PS4 Pro – 4,932
New 3DS LL – 3,316
Vita – 3,083
2DS – 708
Xbox One – 51
Xbox One X – 45

And here are the software charts:

Battle Chef Brigade Brigade

Battle Chef Brigade has received a launch trailer for its big “Deluxe” update, which is out now on Switch. The patch adds split-screen multiplayer, new modes, and more.

Here’s the video:

During a presentation today, Square Enix finally announced the Japanese release date for Dragon Quest Builders 2. The game is set to arrive on December 20 for 7,800 yen.

Expect a western release for Dragon Quest Builders 2 sometime in 2019. We have the presentation recording below.


Earlier this month, Cosmic Star Heroine debuted on Switch. Developer Zeboyd Games shared some information yesterday about the game has been performing on the eShop.

As of August 22, the Switch version was “tracking a bit under what Steam did in a similar time.” Despite not being “a big hit,” given that it’s a port, “the extra sales is appreciated.”

BQM – BlockQuest Maker is coming to Switch, Wonderland Kazakiri has announced. A release is planned for this fall.

Here’s some information about the title as well as a trailer:

GameSpot has posted new footage from Hyper Light Drifter: Special Edition on Switch. Get a look at the gameplay below.

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