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Nintendo Switch

Nintendo conducted a bunch of maintenance yesterday to add in support for using My Nintendo Gold Points on digital Switch purchases. Maintenance for the week isn’t finished though, as a new session has been added in for tonight / tomorrow.

Switch will be impacted at the following times:

– 9 PM PT (March 6) – 11 PM PT (March 6)
– 12 AM (March 7) – 2 AM ET (March 7)
– 5 AM in the UK (March 7) – 7 AM ET (March 7)
– 6 AM in Europe (March 7) – 8 AM ET (March 7)


Team17 has sent out a new video for the Switch brawler Raging Justice. We have the “Bats, Shotguns and Bears!” trailer below.

Warner Bros. Interactive has readied a new launch trailer for Scribblenauts Showdown on Switch. Have a look at it below.

A possible port of Diablo 3 on Nintendo Switch has been the source of much speculation lately. Some fans interpreted a certain tweet by Blizzard as a tease for a Switch port of Diablo, but Blizzard quickly clarified that that wasn’t their intention and that they had “nothing to announce”.

Today, Eurogamer has come forward with a report, claiming that Diablo 3 for Switch is in the works after all, according to their sources. Any further details were not disclosed, such as a release date or whether or not this port would include the Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer expansions.

As always, take reports like this with a grain of salt. Eurogamer has been spot-on with several of their reports, but they weren’t always right. We will just have to wait and see if anything comes of this.


Kirby Star Allies

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Kirby Star Allies (NSW) – 8/9/9/9
Attack on Titan 2 (NSW/PS4/PSV) – 9/9/9/9
Dear My Abyss (NSW) – 7/8/7/6
Detention (NSW) – 7/8/9/8
Earthlock (NSW/PS4) – 7/7/6/7
Fe (NSW/PS4/PC) – 7/8/8/9
Future Card Buddyfight: Tanjou! Oretachi no Saikyou Body! (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Gal*Gun 2 (NSW/PS4) – 8/8/7/8
Kyogeki Quartet Fighters (NSW) – 7/6/7/6
Link-a-Pix Color (3DS) – 7/7/8/6
Wan Nyan Doubutsu Byouin Pet no Oisha-san ni Narou! (3DS) – 8/7/7/7
Winning Post 8 2018 (NSW/PS4/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Flowers: Le Volume sur Hiver (PSV) – 8/9/9/7
Metal Gear Survive (PS4) – 8/9/9/8
Minecraft Story Mode: Season Two (PS4) – 7/7/7/7
The Silver 2425 (PS4) – 8/7/9/7

Koei Tecmo published another video showing some Attack on Titan 2 gameplay featuring characters in their civilian outfits. This time, it’s Mikasa’s and Armin’s turn:

A new global mission has started in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon. For the fifth event, it’s been given the title “Trade Pokemon at the GTS!”

Players are tasked with collectively trading 1,000,000 Pokemon by 23:59 UTC on March 19, 2018. If the goal is reached, those who participated will receive 2,000 Festival Coins. Even if the goal isn’t reached, everyone will receive 1,000 Festival Coins as a participation reward. These totals are doubled if you register your game at the Pokemon Global Link by the end of the global mission.


Kirby Star Allies

Fans have picked apart the demo for Kirby Star Allies and have noticed that it contains a ton of information about the full game. We’re talking the total number of worlds and their names, bosses, mores and more.

If you’re interested in learning about Kirby Star Allies in extreme detail, continue on below. Just be warned that there are significant spoilers since much of the game’s content is outlined.

Nintendo will begin distributing a new update for ARMS tomorrow, the company has revealed. Version 5.2 is expected tomorrow.

Nintendo isn’t saying what will be included in this update. It’s possible that a few balance changes, but that’s just speculation. The only hint we have is that the acquaintance of ARMS Lab said that “The experiment was successful”.

Thanks to m_t for the tip.


After previously releasing on Wii U, a revamped version of SnowCastle’s RPG Earthlock lands on Switch this week. Take a look at some footage below.

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