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Grindstone Games prepared a new trailer for Hellmut: The Badass from Hell to celebrate the launch on PC – the Switch version is due out later in Q2. View the trailer called “The Gates of Hell Open” below.

Without much fanfare, a couple of 8Bitdo’s controllers received a firmware update. Version 1.25 is out now for the SN30 and SF30 Pro.

You can download the new firmware here. According to the official patch notes, the accuracy of analog on SWITCH mode has been enhanced.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Tower of Babel (NSW) – 7/6/7/7
Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story (NSW/PS4/PSV) – 8/7/7/7
Crossing Souls (PS4) – 7/8/8/7
Fortissimo (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Hokuto ga Gotoku (PS4) – 9/9/9/8
Immortal Redneck (PS4/XBO) – 7/7/8/7
Lucky Dog 1 (PSV) – 8/8/8/8


Splatoon 2 is getting another version update. The patch bringing the game to version 2.3.0 will be available tomorrow at 10 AM JST. As per usual, this patch will bring with several balance changes to weapons, sub-weapons and specials. Currently the patch notes are only available in Japanese; we will update this post once we have a translation of them.



The newest event of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is now live. The Spring flower event has you growing Spring flowers and collecting lady bugs. You will recieve colorful floral prizes for your efforts, event ends March 8th.

A set of new quests are now available that pretain to using heroes with water blessing, you’ll have a chance to earn some more orbs. There have also been adjustments to the arena match making in that were mentioned earlier.

Merge Games has officially announced that it has signed with Digerati to bring out a retail version of the survival-horror game The Coma: Recut on Switch. Though it’s already out on the eShop, a physical release is set for May.

Here’s a rundown of The Coma: Recut for those who haven’t played the title previously:

Pokemon Shuffle update (2/27/18)

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS | 0 comments

Firstly the great challenge stages include Feraligatr, Lugia, Escavalier, Shiny Hawlucha and Popplio; plus the the ultra challenge stage with Nilhigeo. Daily Pokemon are Spiritomb, Girafarig, Kecleon, Shuckle and Relicanth. The once per day stage will be male Frillish and competitive stage is Mega Garchomp.


HAL Laboratory surprised us yesterday by releasing Part Time UFO, its debut mobile title, outside of Japan. Have a look at some English footage below.

A listing on the eShop shows a new title from JanduSoft and Norain Games. In March, Neonwall will be available for Switch.

Here’s a brief overview:

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