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Listings on Amazon Japan and HMV offer more on PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage.

First, we have some additional details:

– Can create up to six avatars
– These are known as “My Characters”
– Create an idol all your own by mixing and matching an abundance of My Character Parts
– All-star lineup of 30-plus PriPara idols
– Over 1,300 costume items
– This is the highest amount in the series thus far, which you can freely coordinate
– For concerts, there are 15 game songs in addition to 15 anime concert songs
– “Story Mode” involves your My Character becoming the protagonist
– There is also an “Anime Story” that lets you enjoy a digest version of the PriPara anime
– Game supports all Nintendo Switch play modes, allowing users to at home or on the go

You can find the first screenshots from PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage below.


For the nine-week holiday period ended December 30, GameStop sales increased 10.6% year-over-year to $2.77 billion. A big reason for that? Switch.

GameStop interim CEO Dan DeMatteo said in a statement that Nintendo’s console helped drive the retailer’s sales. Switch, along with the Xbox One, led to a rise in hardware sales by 38.3%. New game sales were also up 7.3% year-over-year, thanks to Switch games and Call of Duty: WWII. Switch was also a major factor in a 33.7% increase in accessory sales.



Today’s Pokemon news continues, as Niantic has announced Pokemon GO Community Day. When active, a special Pokemon will be featured, which will appear frequently around the world for just a few hours. The Pokemon you catch will have an exclusive move. Additionally, other bonuses will be in effect.

Pikachu will be the first Pokemon featured when the inaugural event begins on January 20. You can find more information about Pokemon GO Community Day below.

Tachyon Project is currently slated for January 25 on Switch. See what the game has to offer in the video below.

Thanks to the new trailer for Detective Pikachu, we have the game’s North American and European boxarts. Both can be found above.

Source 1, Source 2

Another Party Crash event will soon be taking place in ARMS. Lola Pop and Misango will be going head to head between January 19 and January 22. This time around, the theme is “New Face-Off”.

If you haven’t heard about Party Crash previously, they temporarily take over the regular Party Match mode. ARMS players can then join in on some fast-paced fights and earn points to raise their Lab Level. When Party Crash ends, everyone who participates will gain in-game currency and badges depending on what Lab Level they reached.



The Pokemon Company has released a trailer for Detective Pikachu giving us a first opportunity to hear how the English voice cast is shaping up. Check out the video below.

The official website for Detective Pikachu houses the official boxart for the new physical release in Japan as well as the upcoming amiibo. We have both images attached to this post.

Detective Pikachu launches in North America and Europe with the new amiibo on March 23. Japan’s physical release with the figure is also happening on the same day.


Update: Detective Pikachu also launches March 23 in the west. The “special limited-edition” Detective Pikachu amiibo is larger than the standard figures we’ve seen in the past and can unlock short videos that may contain helpful hints.

Original: Detective Pikachu is finally coming west, The Pokemon Company has revealed. A new amiibo will also be released.

Today’s news ties in with Japan, as Detective Pikachu is heading to retail in the country. A physical package will be sold with the amiibo on March 23.

Here’s a trailer promoting the release:

As for the west, Detective Pikachu has now popped up on The Pokemon Company’s press site along with an image of the amiibo above and character art from the game. We’re now waiting on more specifics, so stay tuned.

Over on Amazon Japan, the boxart for the recently-announced Switch game PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage has been posted. We have it above.


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