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Frozenbyte intends to support its just-released Switch game Nine Parchments with updates. On its blog yesterday, the company outlined what it has in store.

Multiple save files are coming, and will be added in the next patch for Switch. Frozenbyte is also working on lost progress, online game issues, and a problem with the Friendly Fire setting.

Here’s the complete status update from Frozenbyte:

Psyonix previously indicated that Rocket League would have a physical release on Switch at some point. EB Games Australia has already followed up, and has opened pre-orders for the Rocket League Collector’s Edition.

The package includes the base game, wheels and player banner inspired by DC Comic’s “The Flash”, 3 DLC Packs, premium DLC Battle-Cars, and an art print. Content from the Supersonic Fury, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and Chaos Run packs are included.

The Rocket League Collector’s Edition can be pre-ordered on EB Games Australia here.

Thanks to Timtendo for the tip.

We have more news about Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, which Capcom just announced for Switch and other platforms.

First up, the official boxart is attached above. Below, we have direct-feed screenshots and a fact sheet. It confirms some additional information about save states and a $40 price point.

Source: Capcom PR

Nintendo Australia published a video highlighting some of the newest games for 3DS this year. Check out the video below.

Capcom has announced Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and it’s coming to Switch.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary is an anthology of 12 iconic titles, including the original Street Fighter, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, and Street Fighter III: Third Strike.


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Included in the limited editions for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a sizable art book. Open it up and one of the first things you’ll see is a lengthy message from Tetsuya Takahashi, the game’s director.

The message is rather interesting. At one point for example, Takahashi reveals that for the first Xenoblade Chronicles, the art for character designs “simply didn’t exist”. The team only had “costume designs for the clothing the characters wore.” For Xenoblade Chronicles 2, this was addressed and dedicated artists were brought on board.

Just like in Japan, the latest European Splatfest has ended. We now have a winner between Team Book and Team Film.

Team Film was much more popular, and they also won out in team battles. Team Book won solo battles, but that wasn’t enough to secure a victory.

The final score was 2-1 for Team Film.



5pb. has created a Switch-specific commercial for Steins;Gate Elite. Have a look at the advert below.


Earlier in the year, Raw Thrills brought Cruis’n Blast. Nintendo’s logo is featured on the arcade machine in part because the Cruis’n name was licensed from the Big N.

In a recent interview with Arcade Heroes, Raw Thrills CEO Eugene Jarvis spoke about the Nintendo side of things for Cruis’n Blast. On the topic of how involved Nintendo was in the process, Jarvis stated:

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