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A few weeks back, Nintendo sent out a notice to Switch owners asking them if a hot dog is a sandwich. The results were published yesterday. 54 percent of respondees said that hot dogs are sandwiches. The other 46 percent disagreed.

Super Mario Odyssey director Yoshiaki Koizumi weighed in on the subject during a Reddit AMA a couple of months ago. He personally does not believe that a hot dog counts as a sandwich.

This whole thing is a bit silly, we admit. But it’s a somewhat interesting use of the Switch’s news feature. Nintendo added in options to send feedback with “Great” or “Oh” options following a firmware update, and we’re sort of seeing it be put to use now.

Source, Via

News about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon continues to pour in. Today, Game Informer shared a first look at a new feature in the game called Alola Photo Club.

By using Alola Photo Club, you can take pictures of yourself and Pokemon present in your party. You can choose from various poses while dressing up your character, along with different lenses and cameras. More items can be unlocked based on the relationship with your Pokemon as you progress in the story.

Here’s the first footage of the Alola Photo Club:

Another new video has been published for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon. It shows the new Clangorous Soulblaze Z-Move for Kommo-o. Check out the video below.

Crunching Koalas has two new games lined up for Switch. The studio will be bringing Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition and Butcher to Nintendo’s console at some point in the future.

Lichtspeer describes itself as “an unforgiving fast-paced lightspear-throwing simulator set in an ancient germanic future.” On Switch, a new and exclusive co-op mode has been added in.

Butcher was previously released on other platforms, similar to Lichtspeer. The tough 2D shooter has players taking on enemies and defeating them in all sorts of ways.

We’ve included overviews and trailers for Lichtspeer and Butcher below.

Yesterday, Nintendo announced that the 3DS version of Layton’s Mystery Journey is due out on October 6 in Europe. The company has now followed up with news about North America. We’ll also be seeing Layton’s Mystery Journey stateside on October 6.

As tweeted by Nintendo of America:


Splatoon 2 fans in the UK are being graced with an official tournament hosted by Nintendo UK. According to the company, a total of eight teams of four players will qualify to compete in a grand final to be held at EGX 2017.

Nintendo advertises the rewards of this tournament as “the adoration of Splatoon 2 fans the UK over,” as well as a trophy, a bundle of Splatoon 2 merchandise, and a coveted champion’s jersey.

More details on the tournament and how to join are in the source below. Happy splatting!



Warner Bros. has introduced a new LEGO Dimensions trailer showing off the upcoming content based on The Powerpuff Girls. View it below.

The LEGO Dimensions Powerpuff Girls Team Pack and Fun Pack will be sold starting on September 12. The Teen Titans Go! Team Pack and Fun Pack, and the Beetlejuice Fun Pack will be available on the same day.

The Japanese boxed versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver on the 3DS Virtual Console are going to come with some interesting items. Stickers, cartridge magnets, and a poster are set to go out with each copy of the game.

Boxed versions of Gold and Silver are set to release in Europe and Japan for the 3DS on September 22nd. If you buy a box, it will include these things and a download code for the game (not a cartridge).


Digital Foundry has returned with yet another technical analysis. Monster Hunter XX on Switch gets the focus, including how it stacks up to the 3DS original.

First, on 3DS, Monster Hunter XX was originally a 240p game. But on Switch, Capcom increased the resolution to 1080p while Switch is docked. In portable mode, Monster Hunter XX is 720p on Switch.

The boxarts are in for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon. The designs are the same worldwide, just with different ratings labels. We’ve included both above.

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