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Sensor Data has obtained new data about the players of Pokemon GO. You might be surprised to hear that Japanese players are spending way more on the game than any other country.

Sensor Data says that players in Japan have spent an average of $26 per download over the past year. The next closest? The United States, at an average of $7.70. It’s really not even close.

Below are the full results for the top-spending countries based on average player spend:

As for overall revenue, the United States does come out on top with $424 million compared to Japan’s $318 million. Pokemon GO has generated roughly $1.2 billion in worldwide in-app revenue and has reached a unique install figure of almost 329 million.


Update: Bumped to the top. This is now live on Amazon US. Also confirmed as an Amazon exclusive.

Original: Just like with the original Pokemon Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are getting a dual release. Amazon Canada is listing the Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Steelbook Dual Pack.

The package naturally comes with both games included. Additionally, you’ll receive a collectible Steelbook case. The outer art features Solgaleo and Lunala while the inner art has the line art of the two Legendary Pokemon on a gold background.

Below are additional photos:

You can pre-order the Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Steelbook Dual Pack on Amazon Canada here. Based on last year, this may be a retailer exclusive – at least when it goes up in the states.

Marie is your new guide in Splatoon 2’s single-player mode. When you’re not battling Octarians in the various levels, you can catch up with her for a quick chat. But be warned: she’ll get annoyed with you if you keep pestering you. Oh, and Marie isn’t a fan of pineapple pizza, it seems.



We’re another step closer to the arrival of Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO… maybe. Over in India, an ad has been spotted promoting the special creatures. It’s unknown if this is simply an error or an early slip-up.

Niantic has yet to distribute any Legendary Pokemon. With the mobile game’s anniversary having just taken place though, the game is starting to see new features and content that fans had been asking for. Niantic has also previously indicated that Legendary Pokemon are coming this summer.


Trine developer Frozenbyte shared a new video for its upcoming Switch game Nine Parchments today. Below, you can get a closer look at one of the characters: the Mechanical Owl.


Vblank Entertainment has gone live with the full reveal trailer for Shakedown: Hawaii, a spiritual successor to Retro City Rampage. Watch it below.

Now that Nintendo is distributing final copies of Splatoon 2 to the media, Digital Foundry is back with a new techn analysis for Splatoon 2. The game has not only been improved compared to the original game on Wii U, but also back when it was originally shown a few months ago.

What’s interesting is that Splatoon 2 offers an adaptive resolution. It can go up to 1080p – higher than Wii U – but also lower resolutions like 1536 x 864 and 936p. The adaptive frame rate is for both docked and portable modes.


Cursed Castilla is a relatively small game on 3DS. To download the game, just 967 blocks of free space is needed – or 120.875MB. Cursed Castilla launches on the eShop this Thursday.


Fire Emblem Heroes added a new challenge today from series artist and character designer Yamada Kotaro. Take a look at some footage below.

Update: More footage added below.

Original: We have several minutes of new footage showing the single-player campaign in Splatoon 2. Have a look at the gameplay below.


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