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Two months ago, we reported that Splatoon 2 will have a file size of 5.5 GB, based off of a listing on Amazon Japan. Today, the Splatoon 2 page on the European Switch eShop was updated, and it now displays a file size of 3.1 GB. It’s safe to assume that this size is probably more accurate than the one on Amazon. It’s unlikely that language differences account for that much of a difference so Nintendo probably managed to compress the game’s files quite a lot in the last two months.

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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Ever Oasis (3DS) – 9/9/8/8
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – 8/8/8/9
Farpoint (PS4) – 8/8/8/8
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (NSW) – 8/7/7/7
Hakoniwa Company Works (PS4) – 7/7/6/7
Super Dungeon Bros. (PS4) – 6/7/7/7

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has revealed that Atlus’ Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux for 3DS will launch in Japan on October 26th this year. The game will be released in Europe and North America in 2018.

Atlus will also hold a livestream on Niconico on July 9 at 19:30 JST to reveal some new information about the game and show some gameplay footage.


Fire Emblem Heroes

In recognition of the final overall score achieved in the recent voting gauntlet meeting a score of 141,940,296,724 all players will receive 10 orbs and 10,000 universal crystals. You are able to claim these rewards until July 18th.

Another Pokemon Shuffle update is live now. First Kalos Cap Pikachu special stage is now available and will remain that way until July 11th. Stages for Regirock, Cresselia, Deoxys Attack Forme and Rayquaza Costume Pikachu are also now available until July 18th.

A repeat Pokemon Safari is also live as well with returning Pokemon: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Barboach, Whiscash, Zigzagoon, Linoone and Shiny Rayquaza. However, this is an additional Pokemon in the safari as well, Shiny Rayquaza Costume Pikachu. The safari will be up until July 18th.


A new battle competition has been announced for Pokemon Sun and Moon called the Weakness Cup. This competition will be single battles using only Pokemon with five or more weaknesses. Registrations will last from July 20th to July 21st, and the battles will happen July 28th through July 30th.

As for everyone that entered into the Tiny Tourney, the gifts for entry are now available through the Global Link. You will have til July 31st to obtain the Mega Stone gifts: Gardevoirite, Galladite and Lopunnite.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Made of star stuff… Starlight Style” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Star sunglasses
– Stardust one piece
– Stardust pumps
– Stars pendants
– Stardust hairband
– Star suit
– Lame star tee
– Stardust socks
– Star hood
– One-star hoodie
– Baggy star-print shorts
– Stardust backpack

The returning stage will be available until July 6 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


Starfish has another Elminage game lined up for 3DS. Elminage III is coming to Nintendo’s portable in Japan, the company revealed today. We’ve included a couple of videos below.

A pair of new Super Mario Odyssey screenshots dropped on the game’s Twitter account today. Both show the Luncheon Kingdom.

In one screenshot, we’re shown Mario’s chef costume which is required to access certain areas similar to some other outfits. Additionally, the Luncheon Kingdom has at least one area with an 8-bit-styled platforming section, and naturally, the costume carries over.


GameSpot has a video up showing extensive footage from Rogue Trooper Redux. The gameplay is in direct-feed and with direct audio, which is something we didn’t have at E3 last month. See the video below.

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