Dragalia Lost – A Dazzling Defense live now and Gala Dragalia Remix coming soon
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Dragalia Lost has dropped its newest onslaught event, A Dazzling Defense. This event has players battle against hoards of enemies which get more difficult every level.
Defeating all of these foes and defending an area gives out a special Victory Reward (including flame tomes and light tomes). Also exclusive to the A Dazzling Defense event, Astral Tartarus Assault is available as an EX quest when on Master difficulty.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Pokemon Masters EX – Guzma Seasonal Scout live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters EX has started a new Seasonal Scout, this one for the sync pair of Guzma & Buzzwole. This 5-star sync pair is a special costume variant that can be scouted and also appears in the Costume Event: Poké War Games. This new story branch featuring Guzma & Buzzwole is unlockable with Story Keys obtained for the event.
The Seasonal Scout will last until November 9, 2021 at 9:59pm PT.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Fire Emblem Heroes – November 10, 2021 current events
Posted on 3 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Check out the what’s going on right now in Fire Emblem Heroes:
- Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5-Star summoning focus! A new weapon skill, Kaze’s Needle, and new weapons to refine, Fruit of Iðunn, Býleistr, and Sagittae, are here! Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
- Resplendent Hero Serra: Outspoken Cleric is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. In addition, Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests are available until Nov. 24, 10:59 PM PT. For further info, please see the Feh Pass website.
- The next Resplendent Hero, Ryoma: Peerless Samurai, is scheduled to become available to Feh Pass subscribers beginning Nov. 24, 11 PM PT. Check the link to see more of this upcoming Resplendent Hero!
Dragalia Lost – November 10, 2021 current events
Posted on 3 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost:
- Onslaught event A Dazzling Defense started Nov. 10 at 10 PM PT!
- In the onslaught event A Dazzling Defense, there’s a dragon battle that pits you against Astral Tartarus. Get exquisite honey, flame tomes, and light tomes as glory rewards. Plus, there are more rewards to be earned from endeavors and the Treasure Trade!
- A new story in the A Dazzling Defense event starts Nov. 10, 10 PM PT! After receiving a letter from a concerned citizen of Littleton, the prince and friends arrive to find Jupiter defending the daughter of the former mayor in a court of law.
- Kamuy’s Trial, Chthonius’s Trial, and Mars’s Trial became available in Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost on Nov. 9, 10 PM PT. Use teams of specific adventurers to earn materials for unlocking mana spirals from the daily bonus.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost – November 9, 2021 current events
Posted on 3 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Dragalia Lost has a new onslaught event arriving soon, but players can enjoy double drops for Advanced Dragon Trials while they wait. Check out the full list of current events going on in Dragalia Lost below:
- An onslaught event, A Dazzling Defense, starts Nov. 10 at 10 PM PT! Defend your territory from waves of encroaching enemies in this solo-only event. Repel the Dyrenell Empire’s invasion and win peace for New Alberia!
- A double-drops event for Advanced Dragon Trials started Nov. 8, 10 PM PT. Drops for eligible quests will be doubled on a rotating daily basis!
- Kamuy’s Trial, Chthonius’s Trial, and Mars’s Trial will become available in Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost on Nov. 9, 10 PM PT. Use teams of specific adventurers to earn materials for unlocking mana spirals from the daily bonus.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Pokemon GO details Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl event
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon GO is celebrating the release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl with a special event, and Niantic has now shared first details.
Pokemon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region will be appearing more often. Additionally, players can find Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup wearing special Sinnoh-inspired hats in the wild. Avatar items inspired by those same first partner Pokemon will be offered in the shop as well.
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO
Fire Emblem Heroes – November 8, 2021 current events
Posted on 3 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Content has rotated forward in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out what’s happening down below:
- Use Forma Souls to add Forma units to your army for a limited time after the Hall of Forms event has ended! They’re included in the Forma Soul Packs available in the Shop. Players who participated in the event can get 500 Hero Feathers from the Forma Allies menu.
- Forging Bonds Revival: Seeds of Fódlan is here! Play the event to earn 10 Divine Codes (Part 2) the first time you clear a map (once per day, up to seven days). Earn rewards like First Summon Tickets to be used in the Seeds of Fódlan summoning event!
- New Heroes summoning events and corresponding Forging Bonds events are returning as event revivals! This time it’s Seeds of Fódlan. You can choose one 5-Star focus Hero to summon for free and get a Celestial Stone after summoning 40 times in this event.
Nintendo maintenance schedule – November 7, 2021
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Nintendo has updated its upcoming maintenance schedule. The Switch Parental Controls app will be seeing some downtime next week, with eShop maintenance planned for the following week.
Here’s the full maintenance schedule at the moment:
More: maintenance
Pikmin Bloom details first Community Day
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Much like Pokemon GO, Niantic will be holding Community Days in Pikmin Bloom. The company shared information about what’s planned for the debut event later this month.
First up, Pikmin seedlings in your planter pack will grow at roughly 1.5x the usual speed. Niantic is also planning for fruits to provide twice the usual amount of nectar. Additionally, those who walk 10,000 steps or more will be awarded a special “Community Day Participant” badge. And last but not least, big Flowers will bloom into pansies.
More: Niantic, Pikmin Bloom
Dragalia Lost – Halloween Fantasia summon showcase and free Hundredfold summon event live now
Posted on 3 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
There are some great deals on summoning adventurers/dragons in Dragalia Lost right now. First, a free Hundredfold summon event has gone live for a day, meaning players can perform one hundred summons on a chosen summon showcase for free. Any summon showcase currently featured can be selected to do this but make sure to cash in on it before the promotion leaves on November 4, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.
The Halloween Fantasia summon showcase is also back in the game, meaning that all of these adventurers/dragons are available to summon for a limited time: