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Pokemon Unite, which was first announced last year, will be receiving some news very soon. The Pokemon Company has announced that a status update will be shared tomorrow.

Pokemon Unite is an upcoming MOBA for Switch and mobile. The game doesn’t have a release date, though we could be finding out when it’ll be launching when the latest news drops.


The latest Mario Kart Tour has arrived, the Paris Tour. Check out the new Parisian themed karts and characters in this new trailer.

Continuing its Book V Midpoint Celebration, Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting two Summoning Events today. Here are the details:

A new Summoning Event, Heroes with Draconic Aura, is now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. Here are the details:

On the seventh day of the Book V Midpoint Celebration, Heroes with Draconic Aura skills are available as part of a 5-star summoning focus! These Heroes have their Special damage dealt boosted by 30% of their Atk. Your first summon won’t cost any Orbs!

A Gala Dragalia Remix is going live today at 11PM PT in Dragalia Lost with some new characters to summon. The newly added adventurers are: five star Nino (wind/sword) and five star Faeblessed Tobias (water/lance).

You can check out the new adventurers below. This event will last until June 20.

With the Wedding Tour just about to finish in Mario Kart Tour, Nintendo is gearing up for the game’s next event. Players will soon be able to participate in the Paris Tour.

The current event ends on June 15, so expect Paris Tour to begin then. This was previously held by Nintendo back in November 2019.

Mario Kart Tour is currently available on iOS and Android.


A brand new onslaught event is live now in Dragalia Lost, Blessed Bloodline. This event has players fight hordes of attacking enemies for rewards such as water tomes, wind tomes, and a special Victory Reward. Also, in this event Astral Ciella Assault will be an EX quest on Master difficulty.

This event will be live until June 20, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.

Shadow Ho-Oh is coming to Pokemon GO as part of Team GO Rocket Special Research. Once Shadow Zapados goes away in the game on June 17, 2021, at 12:00 a.m, the next shadow legendary Pokemon Giovanni will capture is Shadow Ho-Oh.

Shadow Ho-Oh can be tracked by completing the newest Team GO Rocket Special Research, A Seven-Colored Shadow, and earning a Super Rocket Radar. This Pokemon will be available to battle until September 1, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. local time.

The Book V Midpoint celebration continues in Fire Emblem Heroes with more Summoning Events and content. Here are the full details:

  • On the third day of the Book V Midpoint Celebration, Heroes with Aerobatics are available as part of a 5-star summoning focus! These Heroes can move to a space adjacent to any infantry, armored, or cavalry ally within 2 spaces. Your first summon won’t cost any Orbs!
  • Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! New weapons to refine—Muninn’s Egg, Vassal’s Blade, Hoarfrost Knife, and Peshkatz—are here! Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
  • A new map, Eldest Soaring Sisters, is now available in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills!

The first Battle Point Challenge Region Rotation event is live now, and this first one is for the Kanto region. In this event, players receive strength bonuses for sync pairs that are included in the Region Theme. Completing challenges will earn Battle Points which can be used to unlock great rewards in the Battle Point Tier Rewards screen.

Each region has 3 difficulty levels, but only one challenge can be completed a day. The Kanto region will be live in this event until tomorrow and then the event will cycle through these regions in this order: Kanto > Johto > Hoenn > Sinnoh > Unova > Kalos > Alola > Galar.

The whole event will last until June 14, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.

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