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Switch eShop

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Space Harrier is joining the lineup of SEGA Ages on Switch, SEGA has revealed. We have a short video promoting the announcement below.

SEGA Ages starts on Switch this month. Other confirmed titles include Sonic the Hedgehog, Thunder Force IV, Phantasy Star, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and Gain Ground.

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Next Thursday, Nefarious will be available on Switch as a digital download. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Hero Concept announced today that the arcade brick breaker Doughlings: Arcade is landing on Switch next week. The game will launch on September 13, the studio has confirmed.

Doughlings: Arcade has brick breaker mechanics “with a fresh take on power-ups, character evolution, level design, and humorous narration.” More details and a trailer can be found below.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is coming to Switch, Square Enix has revealed. A release date has not yet been shared, but it’s scheduled for release “soon”.

Here’s the official overview from Square Enix:

Wandersong, originally announced for Switch last year, has been given a release date. The musical adventure will arrive on the eShop on September 27.

Here’s an overview of the game:

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The arcade title Monkey King: Master of the Clouds, otherwise known as Cloud Master, was announced for Switch back in June. Retroism has now announced a surprise release of the title, which is live on the eShop.

Monkey King: Master of the Clouds has “HD ready elements” as well as online leaderboards and more. We have an official overview below, along with new footage.

To celebrate today’s release, Devolver Digital has prepared a launch trailer for Broforce. You can watch it below.

My Brother Rabbit

Artifex Mundi dated the adventure game My Brother Rabbit today. As a download sold via the eShop, it’s slated for September 21.

We have the following overview and trailer:

Surgeon Simulator CPR

Surgeon Simulator CPR is a week away from hitting Switch. That’s because Bossa Studios announced today that the well-known operation sim is on track for September 13.

As previously mentioned, Surgeon Simulator CPR will feature motion controls, HD Rumble, and split Joy-Con support for local co-op play. It’ll also come with all original operations, including the additional teeth and eye transplants from the A&E Edition and Alien Autopsy mode.

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