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Switch eShop

Nitrome, the developer behind Bomb Chicken, revealed a lot of interesting information in a Reddit AMA earlier today, where they shared that they’re currently working on a patch for Bomb Chicken to fix bugs and a Unity slowdown issue.

Nitrome also answered questions about a number of other subjects, from the possibility of physical edition or DLC to their future plans on Switch. Below are the highlights:

Chicken Assassin: Reloaded

Chicken Assassin: Reloaded lands on the Switch eShop later this week. For an early look at footage, check out the video below.

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition

Redeemer: Enhanced Edition is coming to Switch, BUKA Entertainment and Sobaka Studio announced today. The game will launch in August.

Redeemer, an intense brawler, will add local co-op, character classes, and more on Switch. Further details and a trailer can be found below.

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

1979 Revolution: Black Friday is on the way to Switch, Digerati announced today. A release is planned for August 2.

You can pre-load 1979 Revolution: Black Friday as of today in North America, with the same option extending to European Switch owners tomorrow. By pre-ordering, you can save 20%.

Hand of Fate 2

Hand of Fate 2 is out today on Switch as a digital download on the eShop. Take a look at the official launch trailer below.

Fortnite has received its latest content update, adding in a new Submachine Gun. Epic says it’s “ideal for those intense close range battles.”

Below is further information about the weapon:

Black Paradox

Fantastic Studio is currently working on the 2D platformer Landflix Odyssey for Switch. In addition to that title, Black Paradox is planned for Nintendo’s console.

In Black Paradox, you’ll play as a bounty hunter capable of traveling through time by manipulating black holes’ energy. The rogue-like shoot ’em up involves taking down the cruel criminal organization known as the Hellraisers.


With Mugsters releasing on Switch today, Team17 has come out with a new launch trailer. We’ve included the video below.

At E3, Hamster and Nintendo announced two games for Switch. One of these was the arcade version of Donkey Kong, which has already announced. It was also revealed that the lost arcade title Sky Skipper would arrive sometime in July.

Famitsu now confirms that Sky Skipper is releasing this week. Since it’s confirmed for this Friday in Japan, it should be out on the same day in North America and Europe just like Hamster’s other titles.


Together! The Battle Cats

Nintendo’s website has updated with the first screenshots of Together! The Battle Cats. Have a look at the images below.

Together! The Battle Cats is slated for this winter in Japan. It’ll feature co-op support in the stages and mini-games.


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