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Switch eShop

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (3DS) – 9/9/9/9
Call of Duty WWII (PS4/XBO) – 9/9/9/9
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (PS4/XBO) – 9/8/9/8
Beyblade Burst God (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
The Town of Light (PS4/XBO) – 7/7/6/7
Amenity’s Life (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
2064: Read Only Memories (PS4) – 8/8/8/8
Kamidanomi Shisugite Ore no Mirai ga Yabai (PSV) – 6/7/7/7
onari ni Kanojo no Iru Shiawase: Two Farce (PS4/PSV) – 7/7/6/8
Zombie Gold Rush (NSW) – 7/7/7/8

Atooi founder Jools Watsham shared another update on Mutant Mudds Collection today. For the new Mudd Blocks game, “TATE” mode is supported, meaning you’ll be able to play it vertically.

Watsham posted on Twitter:

Watsham also confirmed that Mutant Mudds Collection will be supported to Nintendo for final approval. If all goes well, it shouldn’t be too long until the digital package debuts on the eShop.


Team Cherry shared some updates on the Switch port of Hollow Knight today. Notably, the game is now expected to be ready for release early 2018. The developers explain that as first-time developers, Hollow Knight was originally built in “some strange, unoptimised ways” that is going to take a little more time to polish for the Switch version.

The full details are as follows:

A new patch is out now for Kingdom: New Lands. The update addresses issues with frame rate drops, implements a new home menu icon (see above), and more.

The full patch notes are as follows:

The European eShop has confirmed this week’s NeoGeo game on Switch. On Thursday, Hamster will be publishing Karnov’s Revenge.

Here’s a brief overview:

“Karnov’s Revenge is a fighting game released by Data East in 1994. Thirteen combatants have once again gathered to compete in Great Gapple. The Weak Point system allows for enjoyable and deep combat.”

ACA NeoGeo Karnov’s Revenge will cost $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Source: Switch eShop

Aces of the Luftwaffe: Squadron could be hitting Switch this week. Over on the European eShop, it’s listed for November 17.

We’re hoping that the release date sticks, and perhaps North America will be seeing Aces of the Luftwaffe: Squadron on the same day. Continue on below for more information and a trailer.

Pinball FX3 was originally planned for a November 14 launch on Switch. Unfortunately, it’s seeing a last-minute delay.

Zen Studios will now be releasing Pinball FX3 sometime in December. A new release date “will be announced shortly,” the studio said.

Zen Studios did not provide a reason for the delay.

Source: Zen Studios PR

Fresh footage is in showing off Rive: Ultimate Edition, which is heading to Switch this coming week. Watch 35 minutes of gameplay below.

Kemco is known for its digital RPGs. On 3DS, many of the company’s offerings are available on the eShop, and Switch has slowly started to see similar titles.

We found out a few days ago that the RPG Antiquia Lost is heading to Japan on November 16. It also looks like North America and Europe are receiving it on the same day as well. Not only is it listed for November 16 on Nintendo’s US website, but also on the European eShop.

Here’s the Japanese trailer for those who missed it:

Source 1, Source 2: Switch eShop

All signs are pointing to Green Game: TimeSwapper coming to Switch next week. What Nintendo has listed on its website as well as what’s on the eShop may very well mean that we’ll be seeing it on November 17.

Nintendo’s North American website lists Green Game: TimeSwapper for that very day. Meanwhile, the European Switch eShop also has it down for November 17. There could always be a last-minute change, but next week’s launch is in sight.

As for what Green Game: TimeSwapper actually is, while we’ve covered it previously, we have more information and a trailer below.

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