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Switch eShop

Kyle Gabler, who has worked on World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine, has released trailers for all three games on his YouTube page, in anticipation of their Switch releases. You can watch them each down below:

Update: Added new footage of a medium difficulty stage.

Nintendo World Report has shared a few more minutes of Snake Pass footage, specifically from the Switch version. Take a look at gameplay from an easy difficulty stage below.

New footage from the Switch version of Graceful Explosion Machine is now available to watch. You can check it out below.

Some footage of Mr. Shifty is now available to watch on YouTube. Check it out below.

Frozenbyte has released a story trailer for Has-Been Heroes, which will be releasing on the Switch on March 28. Check out the rogue-like RPG below:

During the Nindies Showcast that took place a little while back, we found out that ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove is making its way to Switch. Watch some footage from the PAX Twitch stream below.

Vblank Entertainment’s Brian Provinciano stopped by Video Games Awesome to show off Shakedown Hawaii on Switch. An hour of footage can be found in the video below.

Team17 held a live stream last week to show off the Glitterglaze Glacier world in Yooka-Laylee. You can view the full recording below.

Gameplay from Away: Journey to the Unexpected, an upcoming title for Switch, debuted during Twitch’s PAX stream. We have the full recording below.

Hamster has prepared a few videos for its recent Neo Geo releases on Switch from the Arcade Archives series. We’ve rounded them up below.

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