Rime developer diary #1
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 5 Comments
The first developer diary is now online for Rime. For the new video, developers from Tequila Works team talk about the origins and influences that shaped the game. Have a look below.
More: Grey Box, Rime, Six Foot, Tantalus, Tequila Works
FAST RMX gets big visual boost on Switch compared to original Wii U version
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 16 Comments
FAST RMX isn’t a completely new game. It’s based on FAST Racing Neo for Wii U, but has a number of additions and improvements. Among these is a boost to the visuals. Once again, Digital Foundry is here for an analysis.
First, whereas FAST Racing Neo had a temporal upscaling to modify a 640×720 image into a 1280×720 one, this has been removed entirely on Switch. The game jumps between 900p and 1080p while docked (and sometimes a bit lower than that) “while portable mode drops the resolution ceiling to 720p where minor drops in pixel-count can also occur, mostly in pre-race fly-bys.” Switch apparently has a small issue with its firmware resulting in a drain on GPU resources, but when it’s fixed, FAST RMX will run at 1080p when docked. Also, thanks to the higher resolution and removal of flickering artefacts, the Switch game is clearer.
Cosmic Star Heroine looking likely for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 6 Comments
Although not absolutely confirmed, it appears that Cosmic Star Heroine will be making an appearance on Switch. Robert Boyd from Zeboyd Games put out a message on Twitter that a port will probably be happening later this year.
The tweet is below:
No promises, but it looks like a Cosmic Star Heroine Switch port sometime late this year is probable.
— Robert Boyd (@werezompire) March 8, 2017
Boyd previously mentioned wanting to bring over Cosmic Star Heroine. However, he had major issues with getting a dev kit and reaching Nintendo overall. That just changed this week when Boyd heard from Nintendo of America’s Damon Baker.
More: Cosmic Star Heroine, indie, top, Zeboyd Games
N++ dev interested in Switch version
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 5 Comments
N++ may have a shot at landing on Switch. In a new blog update from developer Metanet Software, the team expressed interest in bringing the game to Nintendo’s new system.
The studio wrote:
While we’re at it, why not a quick update on the future in general? We’re hoping to bring N++ to more platforms, specifically the Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch. In a perfect world, we’d love to bring it to the PSVita as well.
With the limited resources we have, we’re not going to be able to do everything we would like to, but we’re determined to keep supporting N++ and bringing it to as many players as we can, because — especially with the Ultimate update — this is the best game we’ve ever made, and more people deserve to know about it!
N+ came to the DS back in the day, so it would be fitting to have the new game on a Nintendo platform as well. We’ll keep a lookout for any announcements in the future.
More: Metanet Software, N++
Huntdown in the works for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
Easy Trigger and Coffee Stain have confirmed that Huntdown is in development for Switch. The “hard-boiled co-op arcade shooter”, featuring hand-drawn pixel animation, will be released via the eShop later this year.
In Huntdown, you’ll be killing the henchmen, taking their guns, and going after the leaders. Bounties will be collected level by level.
We’ve included Huntdown’s trailer below. The game is being shown off at PAX East this weekend.
Source: Coffee Stain PR
More: Coffee Stain, Easy Trigger, Huntdown
Action-adventure game Pine seeking Kickstarter funding, could come to Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Fernando in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
A lot of indie developers turn to Kickstarter to get the funding necessary to back up their projects, but not all of them succeed. Pine is an indie project that could be one of the successful ones.
Indie developer Twirlbound is working on bringing a new action adventure game which main premise would be the adaptation of an open-world to how the player plays.
Pine will be set in an open-world environmet with a lot of species that can evolve or devolve due to player actions. Among their inspirations they mention the Zelda series, the nemesis system of Shadow of Mordor and the progression through choices in the Fable games.
For now the initial plan is launch Pine for Q4 2018 on PC, but Twirlbound has future plans to port it to PS4, XB1 and, of course, Switch.
Check out their Kickstarter page and see if they deserve your money.
More: Kickstarter, Pine, Twirlbound
Snake Pass – “Air Realm” trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Sumo Digital released a new trailer today for Snake Pass. The video shows off the air realm, the game’s fourth area. Sumo says “Noodle will have to use all of his slick serpentine skills to make sure he doesn’t get blown away by the winds that inhabit this treacherous area of Haven Tor.”
You can see the new trailer below. Snake Pass comes to Switch later this month.
Nintendo Download (3/9/17, North America) – Blaster Master Zero, Arcade Archives, Voez, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Switch eShop, Wii U eShop | 11 Comments
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Switch Download
ACA NEOGEO NAM-1975 – $7.99
Blaster Master Zero – $9.99
Voez – $24.99
Switch Demo
Snipperclips – Cut it out, together!
Wii U Download
Blue-Collar Astronaut – $10.00 (available March 14)
Candy Hoarder – $1.49
More: Nintendo Download, top, Virtual Console
ACA NeoGeo NAM-1975 footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
NAM-1975 is the newest addition to the lineup of Neo Geo games on Switch through Arcade Archives. Check out some footage below.
More: Arcade Archives
Blaster Master Zero will have its Switch Pro Controller patch on March 16
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 4 Comments
Inti Creates was hoping to have Blaster Master Zero’s update ready for the game’s western launch tomorrow, but it’ll take just a bit longer. A tweet sent out earlier today notes that the patch, which adds support for the Switch Pro Controller, will be going live on March 16 instead.
Blaster Master Zero won’t just be on Switch. The 3DS is seeing a simultaneous release as well.