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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is out today, and it has received some pretty positive reviews so far. Take a look at some of them in this brief accolades trailer Nintendo put together:

It’s possible that the Terry Bogard DLC for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is going to happen quite soon. The official DLC page for the game, which lists the fighters appearing in the Fighters Pass, has recently been updated to describe Terry as “Coming Soon” – the previous description said “November 2019”. Furthermore, a new private video has recently been added to the official Smash Bros. Youtube channel, which might be a trailer or gameplay reveal video for Terry Bogard.

This isn’t official yet, so we’re marking it as a rumor, but all signs point to a release of Terry either this week or next week.


The Switch Lite debuted in three different colors. Consumers had their choice of turquoise, yellow, and gray. Nintendo has now confirmed that turquoise is the most popular one out of the bunch, which is in line with their expectations.

Another option is joining the Switch Lite family very soon. The Zacian and Zamazenta Edition is slated for November 8, which ties in with the launch of Pokemon Sword/Shield.


Nintendo’s latest financial results are in, and included with the various documents is the upcoming release schedule for Switch. Aside from a look at what’s to come from a first-party perspective, it also provides an overview of some planned third-party titles. We’ve attached the latest schedule below.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Thanks to Nintendo’s latest financial results, we’re able to get a look at the company’s latest million sellers.

A few notable entries appear in Nintendo’s latest list. Super Mario Maker 2 and Zelda: Link’s Awakening have both sold over three million copies at 3.93 million and 3.13 million respectively. Additionally, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is at 2.29 million.

Here’s the full lineup:

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Nintendo logo

Nintendo has released its latest financial results, which is tied into the six months ended September 30, 2019. As part of that, we now know that Switch has sold 41.67 million units worldwide.

Here are some other tidbits and notes from Nintendo:

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Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure’s latest update is now available. Nintendo has issued version 1.1.2, which is a rather small update. Today’s patch notes mention: “Several issues have been fixed to improve gameplay experience.”


Ring Fit Adventure

This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:

1. [PS4] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (SIE, 10/25/19) – 117,670 (New)
2. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo, 10/18/19) – 64,045 (132,542)
3. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: Ibara no Miko to Horobiru no Kami Online (Square Enix, 10/24/19) – 34,836 (New)
4. [PS4] Dragon Quest X: Ibara no Miko to Horobiru no Kami Online (Square Enix, 10/24/19) – 16,898 (New)
5. [NSW] Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Marvelous, 10/17/19) – 16,495 (82,688)
6. [PS4] Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Game Source Entertainment, 10/24/19) – 12,156 (New)
7. [NSW] Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Square Enix, 09/27/19) – 11,090 (412,997)
8. [PS4] The Outer Worlds (Take-Two Interactive Japan, 10/25/19) – 10,659 (New)
9. [NSW] Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition (Bundle Version Included) (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 8,628 (979,444)
10. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 7,865 (2,504,429)

Luigi's Mansion 3

Nintendo has come out with a third Japanese commercial for Luigi’s Mansion 3 to celebrate the game’s launch. Give it a look below.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is launching with a day one update. Upon the game’s release, players can access version 1.1.0.

Unfortunately, the update isn’t too exciting. Nintendo simply says in its patch notes: “Several issues have been fixed to improve gameplay experience.”


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