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Update: Added in a transcript of the “announcement” below.

Original: The Nobunaga’s Ambition series is coming to Switch. During a live stream on Niconico, Koei Tecmo’s Kou Shibusawa announced the news. We don’t have specifics at the moment, but the turn-based strategy franchise will be appearing on Nintendo’s new system in some fashion.

Laura Kate Dale of Let’s Play Video Games has once again delivered another report about the Switch. According to her sources, the Switch will use micro SD cards, just like the New Nintendo 3DS. Supposedly, the current development hardware uses micro SDXC cards up to 128 GB in size. It’s not yet confirmed whether retail models will support the same size or if it will be lowered. Also, keep in mind that the 3DS can use larger SD cards than the officially recommended size if formatted correctly. It’s possible that this applies to the Switch as well.

Additionally, Dale’s sources revealed that the SD card slot will be located underneath the console’s kickstand.

Of course, this all unconfirmed at the moment so take it with a grain of salt, but Laura Kate Dale’s reports on the Switch have been quite accurate so far.



The Switch reveal has been positively received by fans and customers, but what about retailers? What do the companies who will sell the console in March think about it? To that end, MCV has contacted representatives of some UK-based retailers about the Switch and asked them about their impressions and what questions they still have about the device:

ShopTo’s head of commercial Alison Fraser:

It’s very Nintendo to bring something new and different to the market. The early third party list supporting the console is impressive. Let’s see what gaming brands are announced over the coming months.

The storage space is high up on the list of questions. The future is most certainly going the digital way for Nintendo as well. The storage will dictate the requirements for cartridges which are unclear at the moment.

HMV games buyer Nathan Allen:

I was pleasantly surprised by the Switch reveal and I’m optimistic about it’s sales potential. I think it’s a significant step up from the Wii U and, with the third party support they’re boasting, will hopefully appeal to a very broad spectrum of consumers. I look forward to seeing more details around the specs and, crucially, price! With the more powerful and established PS4 and Xbox One consoles now hovering around £249, the Switch needs to be competitive

Gameseek’s Stephen Staley:

Would running a game like Breath Of The Wild drain the battery quickly? The controllers look a bit small when they’re detached from the Switch, so will they cause discomfort?

Also, if Switch isn’t going to support 3DS or Wii U games, will this harm sales?



This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Finally, we will discuss our new gaming platform, Nintendo Switch. We had previously revealed that we have a new game system in development under the codname NX, and we have now announced that it will be released under the official name Nintendo Switch. We recently released a short video through our website showing off some of the new experiences made possible by Nintendo Switch. Please take a look.

We have received a fantastic response from all over the world to the Nintendo Switch reveal video presented above. We are not able to share each qualitative comment and response from consumers today. However, one example is the number of views we have received on our YouTube accounts. The total number of views just on our official YouTube Channels has already reached 23 million views worldwide and still growing. The reaction from our YouTube viewers
has been overwhelmingly positive. We are very confident that a lot of consumers around the world have become interested in Nintendo Switch.


Update: The presentation will be held at Tokyo Big Sight. Those in Japan will be able to go hands-on with Switch on January 14 and January 15 at the same venue.


Original: A special Nintendo Switch Presentation will be held on January 12, Nintendo has just announced.

According to a new press release, it “will be an event for invited media, financial analysts and trade partners in Tokyo that will be globally livestreamed”. You can expect “the launch date and pricing for Nintendo Switch, as well as a look at the lineup of games currently in development.”

Also announced today are “Nintendo Switch sampling events for invited media, partners, and consumers will take place in the U.S. and Europe after the presentation at later dates.” The public will also be able to go hands-on “around the same time”. Details will come later.

The exact time of the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 will be provided in the coming weeks through the company’s social media channels.

Source: Nintendo PR


Just Dance 2017 arrived on Wii U and Wii yesterday, with a Switch version set for March. Watch an hour of footage from NintenDaan below.

Switch is just a few months away from launching around the world. Thankfully, before then, it sounds like Nintendo will be offering consumers some hands-on time with the system. President Tatsumi Kimishima suggested during a press conference today that there will be some occasions in which consumers will be able to test play Switch prior to release.

Separately from that, Kimishima said he’s confident that after Switch’s full unveiling, people will understand that it would be different from 3DS.

Also, as mentioned earlier today, Switch won’t be sold at a loss though Nintendo will be listening to what consumers feel is an appropriate price for the platform.



Nintendo isn’t ready to divulge how much Switch will cost. However, president Tatsumi Kamishima did say today that the company is listening to what consumers expect when setting price. He also reiterated that the system won’t be sold for a loss.

Kimishima also mentioned that Nintendo is planning on shipping two million Switch units this fiscal year, which ends in March.

Just as we’ve heard over the past week, there will be no announcements regarding specs and price this year.

Source 1, Source 2


Were you concerned that Nintendo showed most of its big cards with last week’s Switch announcement video? Well, don’t worry: the company may still have a surprise or two in store for its new system. A Nintendo spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal, “We haven’t shown everything.”

Switch’s debut trailer did reveal several important aspects. Rumors of it being a hybrid device are confirmed, and we also know that it features cartridges and detachable controllers. In terms of the known quantities, Nintendo will need to talk about Switch’s launch lineup, price, and details about how the system works before March.

Unfortunately, it sounds like we’ll need to wait until the beginning of next year for the next big news update. This is something that the Nintendo spokesperson reconfirmed to the Wall Street Journal.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


Nintendo is going back to Zelda’s roots with Breath of the Wild. Today, the company issued a new post on its Japanese website to show how its new Switch / Wii U game compares in some aspects to the original.

Nintendo prepared four different comparisons. They’re as follows:

– Old man: found right away in the original game and in Breath of the Wild; gives you a sword in the original Zelda, but nothing in Breath of the Wild; in Breath of the Wild you have to manage weapons yourself such as by stealing them from enemies
– Spectacle Rock: two rocks form the shape of glasses in both games, but it now looks more like a mountain than just a rock in Breath of the Wild
– Raft: used to navigate water in the original Zelda, also in Breath of the Wild by using the Korok Leaf; it’s an important tool in very cold rivers that you can’t swim in
– Skull shape: shape of a skull appears in Zelda’s final dungeon and in a certain enemy hideout in Breath of the Wild; in Breath of the Wild, you can even use the skull shape to your advantage by having the lantern inside one of the skull eyes to fall, cause an explosion, and instantly wipe out the enemies inside

Here are the four comparison shots:


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