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Wii U

Super Mario Maker’s latest update is now available. Version 1.30 can be accessed by booting up the game, or allowing your Wii U system to download it automatically. You can find the full patch notes after the break.

Accompanying today’s update is the introduction of the Bookmark portal site, which can be accessed here. This lets players search for courses by using a computer, tablet or smartphone.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD can now be pre-ordered again on Amazon Canada. Do so here. The item was available a few weeks back, but quickly sold out.

Thanks to MrJonFaust for the tip.

This week’s Wii U/3DS-specific UK software sales are as follows:

Wii U

1. Mario Kart 8 – Nintendo
2. Splatoon – Nintendo
3. Super Mario Maker – Nintendo
4. Just Dance 2016 – Ubisoft
5. Yoshi’s Woolly World – Nintendo
6. Xenoblade Chronicles X – Nintendo
7. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – Nintendo
8. Skylanders SuperChargers – Activision
9. Mario Party 10 – Nintendo
10. Disney Infinity 3.0 – Disney Interactive Studios


1. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – Nintendo
2. Tomodachi Life – Nintendo
3. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo
4. New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Nintendo
5. Pokemon Y – Nintendo
6. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. – Nintendo
7. Mario Golf: World Tour – Nintendo
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Nintendo
9. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire – Nintendo
10. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros. – Nintendo

Source: Chart-Track

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

Individual formats

individual formats december 21st 2015

All formats

all formats december 21st 2015

Source 1 Source 2

Nintendo has announced maintenance that will be taking place on various games this week. Details are below.

Online play updates for Wii U and 3DS(Online services and leaderboards):

– Europe: December 21st (10PM) to December 22nd (3AM)
– UK: December 21st (9PM) to December 22nd (2AM)
– North America (EDT): December 21st (4PM to 9PM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (1PM to 6PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (6AM to 11AM)


The second wave of maintenance is for online services for the following games:

-Wii U: Super Mario 3D World

-Wii U: Mario Kart 8

-Wii U: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

-3DS: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

-3DS: Nintendo Badge Arcade

-3DS: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

-3DS: Pokémon X and Y

-3DS: Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire

-3DS: Pokémon Picross

-3DS: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

This is scheduled for:

– Europe: December 21st (11PM) to December 22nd (3AM)
– UK: December 21st (10PM) to December 22nd (2AM)
– North America (EDT): December 21st (5PM to 9PM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (2PM to 6PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (7AM to 11AM)


Super Mario Maker Online Services:

– Europe: December 22nd (12AM to 2AM)
– UK: December 21st (11PM) to December 22nd (1AM)
– North America (EDT): December 21st (6PM to 8PM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (3PM to 5PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (8AM to 10AM)


Xenoblade Chronicles X Online Services:

– Europe: December 22nd (1.30AM to 3AM)
– UK: December 22nd (12.30AM to 2AM)
– North America (EDT): December 21st (7.30PM to 9PM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (4.30PM to 6PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (9.30AM to 11AM)


Super Mario Maker Online Services (again):

– Europe: December 22nd (5.50AM to 7AM)
– UK: December 22nd (4.50AM to 6AM)
– North America (EDT): December 21st (11.50PM) to December 22nd (1AM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (8.50PM to 10PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (1.30PM to 3PM)


The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Online Services:

– Europe: December 22nd (6.50AM to 8AM)
– UK: December 22nd (5.50AM to 7AM)
– North America (EDT): December 22nd (12.50AM to 2AM)
– North America (PDT): December 21st (9.50PM to 11PM)
– Japan: December 22nd (2.50PM to 4PM)

Source< Via

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Dragon Quest XI remains at the top, and a few other 3DS games are in the top ten.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between December 3 and December 9.

Below are the latest titles that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:

North America

Wii U

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Terraria – Amazon, Best Buy , Terraria
Mighty No. 9 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD with amiibo – Amazon (new), GameStop
Star Fox Zero – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Pokken Tournament (pre-order for Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card) – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem – Best Buy
The Legend of Zelda – Amazon, Best Buy


Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Final Fantasy Explorers – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Amazon, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers , GameStop
Project X Zone 2 (pre-order for exclusive DLC pack) – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector’s Edition – Best Buy
Mega Man Legacy Collection – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Pokémon Blue Version [Digital Code] – Amazon
Pokémon Red Version [Digital Code] – Amazon
Pokémon Yellow Version [Digital Code] – Amazon
Hyrule Warriors Legends – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairlytale – Amazon, Best Buy
Terraria – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Langrisser Re: Incarnation – Tensei – – Amazon
Metroid Prime: Federation Force – Amazon
Bravely Second: End Layer – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Dragon Quest VII – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma – Amazon, Best Buy
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Dragon Quest VIII – Amazon, Best Buy


Star Fox Zero Collector’s Edition Guide – Amazon (save $10)


Wii U

LEGO Marvel Avengers
Mighty No. 9


Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
LEGO Marvel Avengers
Final Fantasy Explorers
Project X Zone 2
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Mega Man Legacy Collection (new)
Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Langrisser Re: Incarnation -TENSEI- – Nintendo 3DS
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma


Wii U

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Mighty No. 9
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Star Fox Zero


Story of Seasons
Pokemon Rumble World (new)
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Final Fantasy Explorers
The Legend of Legacy
Etrian Odyssey 2: Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Stella Glow
Project X Zone 2


Over the past few weeks, Nintendo has been asking Miiverse users to vote on their favorite games of 2015 for its two big platforms. The results are now in.

First up, here’s a look at the top picks for Wii U:

For the 3DS results, head past the break.


Splatoon’s latest North American Splatfest has come to a close. After a day of battling, the winner between the Team Naughty and Team Nice competition is now decided.

While the “Nice” side was more popular, “Naughty” picked up more wins. It was the latter element that helped secure Team Naughty the victory with a total of 395 points.



When Nintendo pushes out updates for the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS games, we do receive patch notes. But when it comes to the specifics with balance/character changes, that’s usually left to the community.

The folks over on Smashboards have been going in-depth with the Smash Bros. 1.1.3 update to determine what sort of modifications were made to the roster. If you’re interested in those sorts of details, continue on below for the full breakdown.

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