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Wii U

We recently got our hands on Xenoblade Chronicles X ahead of its western launch early next month. In the video below, you’ll be able to view over an hour of footage from the game.

To start out Xenoblade Chronicles X, you can take different pathways to the Habitat unit. We try out both in the video below, with two different characters we created.

Nintendome over on YouTube posted a video showing a closer look at Splatoon’s new Museum d’Alfonsino map. Watch it below.


The Play Nintendo YouTube account has a short promo up for Super Mario Maker. Check it out below.

Nintendo has already shown a number of North American 3DS commercials for the holidays, and we now finally have one for Wii U as well. Take a look at the promo below.


IGN is continuing its coverage of Yooka-Laylee. In the latest video, Playtonic’s Gav Murphy talks voice acting. Check it out below.


Nintendo UK put up a commercial for Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash earlier today. Take a look at it below.

Nintendo shared more about its sales performance in the U.S. during the month of October with IGN.

According to the site, amiibo figures and cards sold 800,000 units. Lifetime sales of amiibo are now up to 9 million in the United States alone.

Additionally, Nintendo says that Wii U hardware sales saw a 40 percent increase compared to October of last year. The company added that sales “have increased more than 20 percent in the first 10 months of 2015” year-over-year.

We also have one more tidbits from the NPD. If software had been ranked on a SKU-basis, “Super Mario Maker would rank in the top 10” in software numbers for the month.

Source, Via

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Nintendo World Report has put together a comprehensive video comparing Star Fox Zero’s footage from E3 to what was shown during yesterday’s Nintendo Direct. Watch it below.

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