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Siliconera has posted its full interview with Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash assistant director Risa Tabata and series producer Kensuke Tanabe. The two teased more vehicle stages for the game, talked about the related amiibo, spoke about how the series would be “shiny” on Wii U, and left a message for fans.

You can find excerpts about these topics below. The entire interview is located on Siliconera.

Legend of Kay Anniversary should be launching in North America next Tuesday. In Europe, gamers may need to wait a few extra weeks.

Some of Amazon’s websites, such as its UK and German divisions, now say that Legend of Kay Anniversary is scheduled for August 11. This new date hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but things aren’t looking good.


These days, Nintendo games are sold both physically and digitally. So it makes sense then that Super Mario Maker will be made available on the eShop when it arrives in September.

You may recall that Nintendo previously said that all copies of the game will come with a hardcover art book. Thankfully, those who pick up Super Mario Maker digitally won’t be missing out on it entirely. Nintendo confirmed in its announcement of the game’s European Wii U bundle today that those who purchase Super Mario Maker on the eShop will be provided with a PDF of the artbook.

Keep in mind that if you’d like a physical copy of the book, it can only be obtained by purchasing the Wii U bundle, Limited Edition Pack, or Standard Edition Pack. These three options are all coming to Europe. At this time, Nintendo is only selling one physical version of Super Mario Maker, and each copy will come with the artbook.

Source: Nintendo PR

Little Orbit has prepared a trio of new screenshots from Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends. Find them in the gallery below.


Bringing Devil’s Third to Wii U wasn’t an entirely easy task for Valhalla Game Studios. That’s all because of the engine used to create the game – Unreal Engine 3.

Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of Devil’s Third, noted on his Facebook page that the team experienced struggles working with Unreal Engine 3. While Valhalla Game Studios was able to obtain the source code needed for the engine on Wii U, they needed to adapt it themselves “with special customization”. The developers also came up with their own binaries.

Source, Via

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find the Nintendo-related mentions below, and the full ad with other gaming deals here.



The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 24,266
New 3DS LL – 19,432
Vita – 13,190
Wii U – 11,028
New 3DS – 5,437
PS3 – 2,947
3DS – 1,376
3DS LL – 726
Vita TV – 618
Xbox One – 242

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 21,069
PS4 – 15,779
Vita – 13,632
Wii U – 10,780
New 3DS – 5,551
PS3 – 2,979
3DS – 1,184
3DS LL – 899
Vita TV – 613
Xbox One – 149

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters – 220,998 / 914,536
2. [PS4] Batman: Arkham Knight – 48,802 / NEW
3. [WIU] Yoshi’s Woolly World – 31,158 / NEW
4. [3DS] The Great Ace Attorney – 23,917 / 159,607
5. [WIU] Splatoon – 22,557 / 430,869
6. [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates – 18,499 / 363,752
7. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus – 17,650 / 343,493
8. [PSV] Taiko No Tatsujin V Version – 12,581 / 58,681
9. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 9,878 / 253,306
10. [PS4] Godzilla – 7,729 / NEW
11. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 6,995 / 1,067,437
12. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 5,357 / 2,663,019
13. [3DS] Cho Tousouchuu Atsumare Saikyou no Tousousya Tachi – 4,948 / 18,520
14. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 4,740 / 4,001,701
15. [PSV] I Doll U – 3,615 / NEW
16. [3DS] Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden – 3,094 / 113,181
17. [PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 2,919 / 131,333
18. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 2,740 / 2,259,067
19. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 2,714 / 167,149
20. [PS4] Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – 2,445 / 52,462


Nintendo has revealed a Super Mario Maker Wii U bundle for Europe. It’ll come with a Wii U console, a copy of the game (with the art book), and Classic Colors Mario amiibo. Consumers can purchase the bundle when Super Mario Maker launches – September 11.

On Twitter, Nintendo posted the following message:


The N-ZAP ’89 and Octobrush were just added to Splatoon on Friday, but the game has already been updated with another two weapons. Players can now begin using the E-liter 3K Scope as well as the Neo Splash-o-matic.

The official overview of the E-liter 3K Scope is as follows:

Now, I’m not sure you amateur squid researchers are able to gather this from the name, but this here’s an E-liter 3K fitted with a scope. (Don’t worry. As you guys work your way up to Squid Researcher status, this stuff will start to come naturally.) The scope narrows your field of view, but you can acquire and snipe targets from extremely far away.

And here’s the rundown of Neo Splash-o-matic:

Now, this here Neo Splash-o-matic may look a lot like the Splash-o-matic, but it’s got different sub and special weapons, enabling you to use a whole new fighting style. Enemies incoming? Pick ‘em off with Burst Bombs. Enemies in the distance? Take ‘em out with the Inkzooka.

Footage of today’s new weapons is posted below.


Nintendo released a new Japanese introduction video for Devil’s Third today. Give it a look below.

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