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We’ve posted these screenshots from the Japanese Splatoon Twitter account over the past month or so. However, they’ve now been distributed in English, along with English descriptions for all images. View the full set below.

From sandals to boots and everything in between, Shrimp Kicks has the hottest selection of Inkling footwear. With such a delicious…I mean, uh, professional-looking salesman, it’s no wonder the store is so popular! If you see a pair of kicks you like, snap ‘em up before they’re sold out!

Participating in battles seems to be the key to earning experience and raising your rank. This rank is the yardstick by which your “coolness” will be measured!

Breaking news! In this crazy squid society, “coolness” is apparently a pretty big deal. So much so, in fact, that the shopkeepers won’t even give you the time of day if you’re not cool enough. Battle it up to make sure you’re as fresh and fly as possible before trying to buy the latest gear.



Games featured in the gallery: Bravely Second, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, Girls Mode 3, Mario Party 10, Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars, PoPoLoCrois Farm Story, Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D.

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La Presse has a couple of lifetime sales figures from France. According to the site, 3DS has sold 3.4 million units since its launch in 2011. As for Wii U, the console has moved 515,000 since its release back in 2012.

Source, Via

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Ubisoft isn’t planning any additional games for Wii U. However, you may recall that the company said it has a title that finished development a long time ago, yet has not been released. Thanks to the folks at Unseen64, we now know which title Ubisoft is referring to. And it’s something that has technically been made known already.

It was about a year ago that the ESRB rated Ubisoft’s “Know Your Friends” for Wii U. It turns out that this is in fact the game Ubisoft has been sitting on.

Here’s the full ESRB description for those who haven’t heard about Know Your Friends in the past:

The Cutting Room Floor has discovered a strings file labeled “miiverse” inside Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. This seems to have strings for some kind of cut achievement system.

There’s a ton of text included in the file. Players would have received achievements for defeating bosses, uncovering new areas, collecting KONG letters and puzzle pieces, and more. Perhaps it would have been possible to share achievements on Miiverse?

If you’re interested in checking out the full text from the achievements-related file, continue on below.

Monolith Soft shared a bit more about off-TV play in Xenoblade Chronicles X in a series of posts shared on Twitter today.

Off-TV play came about, at least partially, because of requests from overseas fans. Director Koh Kojima was initially uncertain whether or not off-TV play would work as intended due to the sheer amount of information displayed on the screen during battles. Thankfully, things turned out okay, so the feature was implemented.


Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden boxart

Tomonobu Itagaki didn’t have anything to do with Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden. However, he seems to think that the Wii U game will be released “in many countries.”

Itagaki wrote on Facebook recently:

“Hey guys, I strongly believe that Kikuchi Keisuke (producer) will release the Fatal Frame V in America, in many countries. He and me have same philosophy from Tecmo days. That’s what I can say for now. I want you guys to read between the lines.
Anyway I will play this game :)”.

Don’t take this as any sort of confirmation that the new Fatal Frame is coming to North America and Europe. Still, Itagaki’s words are interesting. You have to wonder why he feels so “strongly” that it will come outside of Japan.

Source, Via

Splatoon art (2/9/15)

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 2 Comments

Today’s Splatoon Twitter update gives us a look at a new art piece from the game. Check it out above.



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