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Videos have come in showing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks on the Wii U Virtual Console, both of which launched in Europe on Thursday. Find them below.

We’ve already posted a ton of footage from Rodea: The Sky Soldier on Wii U and Wii, but how does the 3DS version stack up? See for yourself in the video below.

This past Thursday, Word Party made its way to the Wii U eShop. View some footage of the title below.

Buzz Monkey Software, in partnership with Ubisoft, was once working on an open world South Park title for the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. Development began in late 2004 and carried on for less a year before its eventual cancellation. All of the relevant details about what this South Park title would have offered are in the video below.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash is compatible with several amiibo, including the gold Mario figure. Take a look at some footage of the character in action below.

Austin has been playing a bit of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and one element he’s been trying out is what’s offered through amiibo. Get a look at the game mode in the video below.

A few hours ago, Atlus hosted a new stream for Stella Glow. The full Twitch archive, comprised of 90 minutes of footage, can be found after the break.

We recently got our hands on Xenoblade Chronicles X ahead of its western launch early next month. In the video below, you’ll be able to view over an hour of footage from the game.

Test Your Mind was one of the new games on the Wii U eShop this week. Take a look at some footage from the release below.

To start out Xenoblade Chronicles X, you can take different pathways to the Habitat unit. We try out both in the video below, with two different characters we created.

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