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Another couple of Monster Hunter X trailers are in. Below, you’ll find full videos focusing on the Insect Glaive and Light Bowgun.

A new gameplay video for The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 was recently uploaded online. View it below.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics II hit the European Wii U eShop earlier this month. We have a few minutes of footage from the game below.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo of America added a “special interview” video to its YouTube channel today. Along with some talk about making the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Maker, the opening and closing portions also show a young Shigeru Miyamoto! You can watch the full video below.

Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX launched a few days ago in North America and Europe. For a look at the game, check out the video below.

Another couple of Monster Hunter X trailers are in. Below, you’ll find full videos focusing on the Switch Axe and Charge Blade.

Disney Interactive has added in a new Toy Box game to Disney Infinity 3.0 known as “Squid Wars”. Unsurprisingly, this one takes quite a bit of inspiration (to say the least) from Nintendo’s shooter, Splatoon.

Squid Wars rounds are two minutes long. At the end of the match, the winner is chosen by the team that paints the most scenery.

Here’s a look at Squid Wars in action:


A few days ago, Devil’s Third added a new Guardian rule set for online play. You’ll find some footage of it in the video below.

Another couple of Monster Hunter X trailers are in. Below, you’ll find full videos focusing on the Lance and Gunlance.

This week’s Nintendo Minute episode has gone live. Just like the previous video, it once again puts the focus on Super Mario Maker. Check it out below.

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