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Wii U

The well-known Dolphin emulator now features functionality for Wii U’s GameCube Controller Adapter. There’s native support, meaning Dolphin will auto-detect the accessory once users set everything up.

Arguably the best aspect of today’s news is that the GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U allows for 1:1 joystick input. Players no longer need to deal with strange deadzones or messed up L/R triggers.


The latest translations from Nintendo Dream’s interview with Masahiro Sakurai cover the inclusion of three characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. We get to hear more about why Sakurai wanted to feature Duck Hunt in the game, as well as the Mii Fighter and the return of Dr. Mario.

The translation in full:

More excerpts from Nintendo Dream’s interview with Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai are now available.

In these latest translations, Sakurai talks about patches – such as the timeframe for the latest patch, and the possibility of future updates. He also shares some thoughts regarding competitive Smash Bros. play.

Head past the break for all of Sakurai’s comments.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.

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In this month’s issue of Nintendo Dream, Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai discussed the process of choosing characters for the game’s roster.

Sakurai confirmed that he looked into featuring characters from unreleased new games at the very beginning of development. By the time the project proposal finished – which was May 2012 – “all characters were already decided.” As production continues, the team decides which characters to cut from the proposal given their priority.

Speaking of cut characters, Sakurai revealed that there was one newcomer who was almost cut. We won’t reveal who it was just to be safe with spoilers, though most of you should know who the character is at this point.

Head past the break for the character in question plus the full excerpt from Nintendo Dream.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS marks the first time that Bandai Namco worked on new entries in Nintendo’s well-known series.

As for why Bandai Namco was chosen to handle development, director Masahiro Sakurai told Nintendo Dream in the magazine’s latest issue that having a single company create the games was thought to be the best option. And since Bandai Namco has the capability to create “a large-scale fighting-game, there was only this one company.” Sakurai feels that it would have been a difficult challenge for other developers to attempt.

Here are Sakurai’s full words:

A new piece of Pokemon DLC has been added to Taiko no Tatsujin Tokumori. Check it out above.

There’s not much time remaining in the Wii U Deluxe Digital Promotion. Those who have purchased a Deluxe Set console are eligible for the points program. For every $50 spent on the eShop, you’re entitled to a $5 credit.

Nintendo is ending the Deluxe Digital Promotion after December 31 – yes, tomorrow! So be sure to get your last few digital purchases in before it ends. Points earned can be exchanged for $5 credits through March 31.

Media Create has posted new analysis about the latest gaming sales from Japan.

Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi was the big seller last week with 1.244 million copies sold. The title’s sales saw an expected drop to 533,000 units. As a result, overall sales for the market were at 1.909 million, which was 84.36 percent of the previous week.

Because of Christmas demand, consoles sold 108.48 percent compared to last week. Total hardware sales for the week before Christmas went down to 71.48 percent of that of last year.

What would Captain Toad look like if it were on the Game Boy Color? One person may have the answer!

Take a look at artist Johan Vinet’s attempt at re-imagining Captain Toad for the classic portable:

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