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Wii U

A new piece of Pokemon DLC has been added to Taiko no Tatsujin Tokumori. Check it out above.

There’s not much time remaining in the Wii U Deluxe Digital Promotion. Those who have purchased a Deluxe Set console are eligible for the points program. For every $50 spent on the eShop, you’re entitled to a $5 credit.

Nintendo is ending the Deluxe Digital Promotion after December 31 – yes, tomorrow! So be sure to get your last few digital purchases in before it ends. Points earned can be exchanged for $5 credits through March 31.

Media Create has posted new analysis about the latest gaming sales from Japan.

Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi was the big seller last week with 1.244 million copies sold. The title’s sales saw an expected drop to 533,000 units. As a result, overall sales for the market were at 1.909 million, which was 84.36 percent of the previous week.

Because of Christmas demand, consoles sold 108.48 percent compared to last week. Total hardware sales for the week before Christmas went down to 71.48 percent of that of last year.

What would Captain Toad look like if it were on the Game Boy Color? One person may have the answer!

Take a look at artist Johan Vinet’s attempt at re-imagining Captain Toad for the classic portable:

Update: Nyamyam also added the following on Twitter…

Nyamyam hasn’t disclosed any specific sales figures for Tengami, but the studio says that the game’s performance on Wii U has been “somewhat disappointing”.

Co-creator Phil Tossell told Nintendo Life in a recent interview:

Tengami has done very well for us on iOS. No doubt the worldwide Editor’s Choice was a large contributing factor. I hate to think what might have happened had we not been featured. I’d say that the Wii U sales have been somewhat disappointing. Although we had much lower expectations than iOS, I think even taking that into consideration we’ve been disappointed with the sales so far.

Tengami has been out on Wii U for about two months. Hopefully the game’s sales can pick up over time!


It’s been awhile since we received anything even remotely close to promotional material for Devil’s Third, but creator Tomonobu Itagaki did share a holiday card pertaining to the Wii U title. You can find it attached to this post.


Last week, The Seattle Times put up a few new quotes from Reggie Fils-Aime. The Nintendo of America addressed the company’s performance and talked a bit about sales, high-demand amiibo, and more.

You’ll find a roundup of Reggie’s comments below. You can find The Seattle Times’ full article here.

On whether Nintendo is now on a rebound…

“(Nintendo is) doing better this year than we did last year. The way I would frame it: Our goal is to drive an ongoing positive trajectory. Certainly with the momentum we’re seeing with our hardware, the momentum we’re seeing with our key software titles, that gives us a lot of confidence.”

Sonic Stadium recently came across a bunch of concept art for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Art ranges from the very early stages of development up through the initial pitch for Transformed. We even get a look at the Gilius Thunderhead on Chicken Leg concept Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett spoke about previously.

View the concept art below:


This week’s UK software sales are as follows;

Individual Formats

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All Formats

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Source, Source2

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