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Conatus Creative has launched a new Kickstarter for “River City Ransom: Underground” – a sequel to the legendary NES game. The company managed to acquire a license from Million in April, allowing the team to make an official installment in the series.

River City Ransom: Underground features a 2.5D open world, beat’em up gameplay with RPG elements, as well as more stores, items, local co-op play, and online co-op.

PC is Underground’s only confirmed platform at present. However, consoles and handhelds are also being considered, possibly as stretch goals.

You can find more about River City Ransom: Underground over at the official Kickstarter page. The campaign requires $180,000 CAD by October 9.

rayman legends art

Everybody loves Rayman.

Laura’s back! This episode features discussion on a lot of topics: Steamworld Dig, Super Mario 3D Land, and Bayonetta sneak into “What We Played”, the news makes its regular return, a discussion on the future of Mario ends just as it starts, and a talk about EarthBound for the Book Club rounds everything out! Also, we got the longest email we’ve ever gotten this week from a guy that’s really angry at Nintendo.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura

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call of duty ghosts

“Call of Duty is an entertainment juggernaut and cultural phenomenon. We are excited for the upcoming release of the new installment of this blockbuster franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts. We look forward to celebrating the worldwide November launch of this great game that is on track to be the most pre-ordered title of the year.”

– Gamestop VP of merchandising Bob Puzon

Just as a little editorial sidenote: It’ll be incredibly interesting to see how long Call of Duty can go being annualized before people get fatigued of it. It’s such a well-loved franchise!

Via Joystiq

It’s a bit late, bit EB Games Canada has finally opened pre-orders for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition. Fans can pre-order the product online here. In-store reservations will begin on on September 10.

Amid speculation that Nintendo might be added to the Nikkei 225– a stock index that takes a big group of Japanese companies and assigns a monetary value to them as a whole– the company’s shares rose 31%. Today, we learned that they will not be added to the Nikkei 225, resulting in a sharp 8.4% drop in share price. This is the biggest single drop Nintendo has experienced in two years.

Via Polygon

The interviews with Eiji Aonuma continue to pour in. MTV Multiplayer has also just put up a piece with Aonuma covering Zelda: Wind Waker HD and plenty of other topics. Among the items discussed include keeping Wind Waker’s art style a secret from Miyamoto, origins of the cel-shaded visuals, concept design for GameCube Island, Tingle Tuner, and Link’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

You can find a number of interview excerpts below. For even more talk, check out MTV Multiplayer’s full piece.

G4 was originally expected to be rebranded as the Esquire Network this year, but those plans have apparently been discarded. Instead, it will launch on the Style Network.

The initial plan was to scrap G4 and kick off the Esquire Network in late April. But that never happened, and G4 will still be kept around. The Hollywood Reporter writes that the channel will continue “for the foreseeable future, though it’s highly unlikely the company will invest in more original programming.”


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