Last month, HORI revealed a trio of new Switch controllers. Designs featuring Mario, Zelda, and Pikachu will be used to recreate the GameCube configuration.
Amazon Japan has come through with a few new images of each controller, including their packaging images. We have the full set below.
You can pre-order HORI’s GameCube-style Mario, Zelda, and Pikachu Switch controllers on Play-Asia here.
Graveyard Keeper may have a chance of coming to Switch. It was rated by PEGI earlier this week, meaning the possibility does exist. However, the rating shouldn’t be taken as absolute confirmation.
For what it’s worth, we do know that tinyBuild has been supporting Switch quite a bit. The company has published several games on the eShop over the past few weeks and months, so Graveyard Keeper may not be out of the question.
NIS America has the latest trailer ready for Disgaea 1 Complete featuring the game’s Etna Mode. Have a look at the video below.
Various outlets are starting to get their hands on the final version of The Messenger, which launches at the end of this month. Watch over an hour of footage below.
Ratalakia Games has partnered with UFO Crash Games to bring FullBlast to Switch. The game will be heading to the eShop next month, the two sides confirmed today.
First released on Wii U in 2015, FullBlast is a vertical shooter. Continue on below for further details and a new trailer.
Kemco’s RPG Fernz Gate is hitting the Switch eShop next Thursday. Take a look at some footage in the video below.
To celebrate the new European Splatfest in Splatoon 2, Nintendo has shared a new piece of art for the event. We have the image above.
The European Splatfest asks players if they’d rather be adventuring or kicking back when on holiday.
Stick Fight: The Game was announced for Switch at the start of this year. Landfall hasn’t said much since, but we do have a notable update.
Landfall said this week that Stick Fight is currently going through the approval process on Switch. In other words, an eShop release is just on the horizon.
As part of Splatoon 2’s August content update, Ancho-V Games was added as the latest stage. Fans will remember that the level first appeared in the original Splatoon. See how the stage compares between both games below.