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Aokana: Four Rhythm Across the Blue is in development for Switch, Sprite has announced. It will be released in Japan this winter.

Aokana: Four Rhythm Across the Blue is a romance visual novel game. It originally came out as a PC title in 2014, followed by PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 versions. More details about the Switch edition will be shared at a later date.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Set sail on the Seven Seas! Miitomo Pirate Crew #1” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Pirate ship silhouette tee
– Pirate skull print shorts
– Pirate captain tricorn
– Pirate captain suit

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Yacht Hawaiian shirt
– Skull tee
– Parrot pal

With Sonic Mania’s launch just on the horizon, SEGA has unveiled the official opening animation for Sonic Mania – and it’s glorious. Check it out below.

Level-5 issued another new commercial for the upcoming 4.0 update for Yo-kai Watch 3. We’ve attached the clip below.

After recently launching on Switch, Infinite Minigolf has gone missing on the North American eShop. It’s still up in both Europe and Japan, however. It’s currently unclear why Infinite Minigolf was taken down stateside.

Infinite Minigolf was originally on track for July 25. It ended up releasing a few days later instead – specifically July 28.

Thanks to Jared C for the tip.

Source: Switch eShop

Before Nintendo shipped Super Mario Bros. 2, the game was originally going to include a gray Shy Guy. Its description in the manual notes that the enemy “moves slowly but he’ll persistently chase after the player if he sees them.” We don’t know why the gray Shy Guy was removed, though it was seemingly done at the last minute.

This same enemy is now being rediscovered with the help of Game Genie. Twitter user bmf54123 came up with the codes XTXPLIKO XTXPGIYK AANPEXAA ZEVNIGPA to have the gray Shy Guy appear in Super Mario Bros. 2. Destructoid apparently had issues, but was able to get things working with the alternate codes XTXOAIYK XTXPYIKO AANPKXAA ZEVNIGPA.

Here’s a look at the gray Shy Guy in action:


A demo for Monster Hunter Stories landed on the 3DS eShop in North American and Europe today. We’ve included some footage below.

NIS America has opened pre-orders in Europe for yet another limited edition on Switch. The special package for Penny-Punching Princess is up here.

Inside, you’ll find the following:

  • Penny-Punching Princess for Nintendo Switch
  • OST on “Credit Card” 2GB USB drive
  • Key chain
  • Lapel pin
  • Collector’s box

Thanks to axel for the tip.

The King of Fighters 2000 made its way to the eShop today as the newest NeoGeo title for Switch. Have a look at some footage below.

Game Informer published the next piece of its Pokemon-related coverage after taking a trip to Game Freak’s offices in Japan. The latest entry focuses on the actual creation of Pokemon.

Game Freak co-founder and Pokemon director / producer Junichi Masuda had plenty to say about this subject. He noted that designs are rarely scrapped, how the team thinks about evolution, why the eyes for Pokemon have changed over the years, and more.

You can read up on Masuda’s words below. Find the full article from Game Informer here.

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