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Update (3/11/15): Pre-orders now live on Amazon as well.

Pre-orders for Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson are now live on GameStop. You can gets yours in here.

As a reminder, XSEED’s “Double D” retail release for Senran Kagura 2 will be limited. The game launches this summer.

Enemy in turns in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. can take awhile, and this has been a gripe that some folks have had with the game. You can speed up those turns just slightly by holding down the select button. It won’t make a massive difference, but it’s better than nothing!

Some – but not all – Walmart locations intend to hold a midnight launch for the gold Mario amiibo. Stores that are open for 24 hours will be able to purchase the figure at midnight. For those that don’t, consumers will need to wait until their local Walmart opens on March 20.

Walmart has also explained how the retailer will be handling the actual release of the gold Mario amiibo. Here’s what Amiibo Inquirer was told:

We will have designated areas set up for lines and associates will be ready to direct customers to those areas. We will also be limiting customers in line to the purchase of 2 per person. We’ll also be letting customer know when/if we run out of product so they aren’t continuing to stand in line. If we still have product left after everyone in line has been served, we will lift the limit on the purchase quantity.


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