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Bandai Namco

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set Switch review

System: Switch
Release date: September 24, 2021
Developer: CyberConnect2
Publisher: Bandai Namco

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot again has Goku and co.’s adventures and sagas represented, but this time in a much different format that hasn’t felt this fresh and exciting in a long while. Having put almost 100 hours when it initially released at the beginning of 2020, the semi open-world take felt like a modern day Legacy of Goku mixed with the design philosophy of One Piece: World Seeker, but done so in a way that still retained the essence of the IP and left no shortage of fights for the player to enjoy and reach higher power levels with. The Switch version undoubtedly sees a few technical downgrades compared to other platforms, and it was a bit jarring at first, but after having settled with the game for quite some time now, it’s arguably Bandai Namco’s most competent Dragon Ball port yet, making for a really great DBZ experience that can now be played at home or on the go.

Super Robot Wars 30

Super Robot Wars 30 was announced in a Japanese Nintendo Direct earlier this year. Very soon after the reveal, Bandai Namco followed up by confirming plans to release the game in Asia. It’s especially noteworthy since that region will have English support.

Play-Asia has now opened pre-orders for the Asian version of Super Robot Wars 30. You can reserve it here.

Since Switch is region free, you can play through the game without any issues. Bandai Namco hasn’t any plans to bring Super Robot Wars 30 to the west on Switch, so the Asian version will probably be your only way to play in English on the system.

3D platformer The Addams Family: Mansion Mayhem arrives on Switch today, and alongside the game, Bandai Namco have shared a new launch trailer. Check it out below the break.

Disney Magical World 2: Enchanted Edition

The 3DS game Disney Magical World 2 is getting another shot on Switch with an Enchanted Edition, Bandai Namco has announced. A release is planned for this holiday.

Here’s an overview of the game:

dragon ball z kakarot switch gameplay

We have extensive gameplay from Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens that shows how the new Switch port holds up. The title officially launches tomorrow.

For a recap on the game, check out the following overview:

Super Robot Wars 30 trailer

Bandai Namco uploaded a second trailer today for Super Robot Wars 30, its new tactical RPG.

Here’s an overview of the title for those that haven’t heard about the title previously:

dragon ball z kakarot new power awakens set

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set still has a few more days to go until release, but Bandai Namco and CyberConnect2 just published a new launch trailer.

For those that need a refresher on the game, check out the following overview:

Pac-Man 99 Tank Battalion

Pac-Man 99 has gone live with its latest theme, with players now being able to claim a design based on Tank Battalion. It’s a completely free download.

Tank Battalion follows Hopping Mappy and Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti as the latest free themes in Pac-Man 99. A ton of other designs are available, including Baraduke, Bravoman, Cosmo Gang the Video, Dig Dug, Dragon Buster, Galaga, Namco Classics 1-5, New Rally-X, Rolling Thunder, The Genji and the Heike Clans, The Legend of “Valkyrie”, The Return of Ishtar, The Tower of Druaga, Wonder Momo, Xevious, and Yokai Dochuki.

ni no kuni ii prince's edition

Level-5’s RPG Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Prince’s Edition officially lands on Switch today. Bandai Namco is promoting the news with a launch trailer.

For more on Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – Prince’s Edition, read the following overview:

Ni no Kuni II Switch

The launch of Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Prince’s Edition on Switch is imminent. Bandai Namco and Level-5 are bringing the RPG to Switch tomorrow, and we now have quite a bit of gameplay on Nintendo’s console.

Learn more about Ni no Kuni II with the following overview:

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