[Feature] Historical WarioWare: A Look Back on Wario’s Finest
Posted on 10 years ago by Vincent Ward in Features, Game of the Month | 3 Comments
Mario was always the character who got to sit in the spotlight. Wanna go karting? Sure, but only if it’s called MARIO Kart. Wanna spend a day playing tennis? Of course you can, but it has to be called MARIO Tennis. Hell, even a social gathering has to be called a Mario Party. So after years of watching his childhood best friend get all the attention while he sat there doing nothing, it didn’t take too long before Wario started thinking of ways to get his own time to shine, and what better way is there to be the star of your own video game series than to have once with your name in it!? So let’s spend today reminiscing the history of Wario’s series, and see what made them so special.
More: Game of the Month, highlight, top, WarioWare
Mobile site update
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 13 Comments
Bumping this to the top! For those who are seeing annoying/redirecting ads on mobile, if possible, please send us screenshot of the ad(s) in question (preferably via email), and/or link to URLs where the redirects go. It’ll assist us in getting to the bottom of things. Thanks!
Our mobile site has been up for a short time now. For the most part, people seem pleased with it, but there are definitely a few things that need to be addressed. We’ve been looking at all feedback and will improve the mobile site as soon as possible.
There seem to be two points in particular that we need to tackle. First, there are those who want an option to visit the site normally on Wii U. The second is that some type of ads are causing the page to not appear properly. There are some smaller things we hope to tackle like the display of the page for iPads in landscape mode, and adding a favicon.
Have any of you experienced any other issues? Is there anything else you’d like to see on the mobile site? Let us know in the comments or via email.
On a slightly related note, I’m curious about how everyone feels about our ad situation at present – particularly on the mobile site. I’ve heard about a couple of issues pertaining to ads that shouldn’t be appearing, and others that are causing redirects. I’m wondering if these are isolated issues or part of a larger problem since I haven’t experienced anything on my end. I’d like to get to the bottom of it either way.
In any case, if you have feedback of any sort – be it the mobile site, ads, or anything else – get in touch! We’re easy to reach. Well, when my email isn’t broken anyway!
GAME OF THE MONTH – WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Game of the Month | 0 comments
An unfortunately truncated Game of the Month for January because the holidays left us a bit lazy and unworkable, but we’re here nonetheless and we’ve got a truly wonderful game for you: WarioWare, Inc. Mega Microgame$!. Released back in 2003 for the GBA, it has spawned plenty of sequels on many different platforms using many different gimmicks, so we’ve tasked our staff writers– Vincent, Kira, Jonathan, Patrick, and Scott– to shed some light on the series as a whole, their thoughts on it, or any other interesting things they might be able to pull out related to the game or its development.
We don’t have a concrete schedule for you, but here’s a short list of some of what you’ll be seeing on the site over the weeks of January:
– Vincent with “A History of WarioWare”
– Scott with “WarioWare’s Characters and the Minigames Behind Them”
– Podcast Gang with “Why is WarioWare so Wonderful?”
– Patrick with “WarioWare’s Heritage on 64DD”
The first article will be going up tonight, with all the rest coming over the course of the month.
Do you like writing and have something interesting you’d like to share about WarioWare? Email us using the “Contact Us” form with your idea and we may select you to have an article published on the website as part of our Game of the Month feature!
[Review] Chariot (Wii U)
Posted on 10 years ago by Vincent Ward in Features, Reviews, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Author:Vincent W.
Nowadays, finding a good couch co-op game to play with a friend isn’t as easy as it seems. In an industry that strives on giving an experience targeted towards online play, enjoyable games that let you sit down with a close friend or sibling in the same room are few and far between. That’s not to say that online gaming is bad or a step in the wrong direction. But there’s a feeling you get when you’re close enough to smack the controller out of their hand after they wreck you in games such as Smash and Mario Kart that feels like no other. Now Frima Studio is ready to take it back to the good old couch co-op days with their puzzle-platformer Chariot.
More: Chariot, Frima Studios, highlight, indie, top
[Giveaway] Alien on the Run
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 20 Comments
Update (1/9): Winners are as follows:
Link Floyd
Congrats to all! Codes will be emailed shortly. Be on the lookout for another giveaway in the near future!
It’s time for another giveaway! We have three copies of Alien on the Run available for North American 3DS owners (thanks Max Criden).
This latest giveaway will run for three days. We simply want you to talk about your favorite aliens in video games in the comments section below. We may give extra consideration to those who put in a bit of extra effort into their post!
Nintendo Everything is now fully mobile-friendly
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 25 Comments
Update: Bumping this to the top. I wanted to let everyone know that all feedback is being considered for updates to the mobile site. We’ll keep you posted as things develop.
Also, it’s now 2015 on the East Coast, where Nintendo Everything is based. So happy to New Year to you all! I hope everyone has a fantastic 2015.
Nintendo Everything’s mobile site is now up and running! Some of you probably came across it at some point today.
The best part is, no secondary link is required to access the mobile layout. Simply visit Nintendo Everything as you regularly would, and you’ll be presented with the proper version of the site.
Even better: the new layout works on various devices, including tablets and even the Wii U! It basically fits the needs of anyone visiting the site. Your screen will automatically adjust to the design.
One thing I must do is thank the person who made the mobile site possible. Tim Sookram updated Nintendo Everything so that the design would look proper and adjust to practically any screen. I’m extremely thankful for his time and effort. Without him, none of this would have been possible. Thank you so much, Tim!
If you come across any issues or oddities, please let us know. We’ll try to fix any problems that arise as soon as possible.
Happy holidays! Let’s talk about some stuff
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 28 Comments
Update: Winner of our Smash Bros. 3DS giveaway is SecretX! We’ll send your code shortly.
Our latest Twitter giveaway is Super Mario Bros. 3 for 3DS. You can enter here. Retro City Rampage: DX giveaway will take place tomorrow afternoon!
There’s plenty of time to enter our Smash Bros. 3DS giveaway! Plus, we’ve kicked off our first Twitter giveaway – EarthBound for Wii U!
Christmas is upon us and New Year’s is fast approaching. Now that we’re in the heart of the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for stopping by and supporting the site. Seriously, I don’t say that enough! You all are the life blood of Nintendo Everything. Those who simply check out what we’re doing, comment, and send in emails mean a great deal to me.
Hopefully you’ll take some time to relax and play some Nintendo games! I’ll be around as usual to cover any news that pops up. I’m not expecting a whole lot to come in over the next week or so, but updates will continue!
Now, since we’re on the topic of site-related stuff, there are a few quick things I wanted to bring up…
1. Many of you have requested a mobile site. It’s taken much longer than I would have liked, but we’re now making this possible! I didn’t want to say much about it and jinx the situation until something materialized, but I can absolutely confirm that we’ll be mobile-compatible very, very soon.
2. A new entry in the Developer Musings series is coming this weekend! Three indies will share their thoughts about the New 3DS.
3. My email service never seems to work properly! I unfortunately had a few hiccups this week. If you sent in a news tip this week (mainly Tuesday/Wednesday) or were expecting a reply, please resend if possible.
4. This might seem slightly out of the blue, but I wanted to give you all a brief staff introduction. I never properly introduced our two new night shift news writers, and figured I may as well let you know who does what on Nintendo Everything.
So here we go!
Brian – I’m the one writing this post, and I’ve been here since the beginning. That was over seven years ago, amazingly enough! I handle most of the news on the site, and I’m primarily responsible for features like Developer Musings, Weekly Screenshot, Just a Chat, and the occasional article/interview. I have no real sleep schedule at this point, haha.
Austin – Austin has been here for quite awhile as well. He led the way on our podcast for over 100 episodes, and I know that I (like many of you) hope to see it return regularly in the future. Aside from podcasting, Austin also writes some very in-depth reviews and is the co-host of Just a Chat.
Patrick – Have you guys seen Patrick’s articles? He puts up some very, very interesting things, which is why I always look forward to reading his features. Patrick just recently wrapped up our “Best of DS” series.
Jon – Jon joined us in late April. I actually can’t believe it was that long ago already! I don’t know where I’d be without Jon, since he’s handled a big chunk of the night shift. When I head off for a brief period of sleep, that’s usually when Jon comes in to post news.
Kira – Kira joined us this past summer and also helps out with the night shift. Again, I’d probably be in major trouble without Kira’s assistance. I need to sleep sometime, right? Kira recently published her first article on the site – read her thoughts on amiibo and Smash Bros. here!
Scott – Scott has been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work as of late. He’s been providing a lot of images for us in particular – including the one in this post!
Vincent – Vincent recently joined the team as a reviews editor. He plans on putting up a review of a Wii U eShop title early next year.
That’s the Nintendo Everything team at present!
5. Nintendo Everything has been around for over seven years now. However, I’d like to think that the site has continuously changed. If you look back on the 50,000+ posts added to the site since late 2007, you’ll notice that we’ve evolved in terms of how we handle Nintendo coverage.
But we don’t want to stop growing! And that’s why it’s absolutely crucial that we hear from you guys. What do you want to see from us in 2015 and beyond? Is there anything you want to see more/less of? Do you have any feature ideas that you’d like for us to consider? Your feedback is extremely important to me. Leave a comment, send an email, or reach out on Twitter/Facebook.
We’re almost done! Keeping in line with the holiday spirit, we’re hosting a few giveaways. On the main site, we’ll be handing out a digital copy of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, and you can win a few smaller titles on our Twitter account as well (stay tuned for news on that).
Entering our Smash Bros. 3DS giveaway is simple. Leave a comment in this post telling us about a holiday gaming memory you have. Or leave some feedback about the site. Those two types of comments are valid for the giveaway.
That’s it. A winner will be chosen at random on January 1. Please note that this giveaway is only open to U.S. residents.
If you’ve somehow gotten this far, what the heck are you still doing here? I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Go on and enjoy it!
[Developer Musings] The New 3DS Dilemma: Developing around Nintendo’s hardware iterations
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Developer Musings, New Nintendo 3DS | 5 Comments
Nintendo has a notorious reputation when it comes to iterating their handhelds and in the past it has created an environment with a unique set of issues to consider for developers. Whether it was the Game Boy to Game Boy Color, DS Lite to DSi and now the 3DS to New 3DS, every generation there’s always questions among fans regarding the value and longevity of each new system. You don’t have to look very far to see how fans react to mid-cycle announcements like these, but how do developers react when a new system emerges from Iwata’s coat pocket?
We reached out to developers Stuart Ryall, Brjann Sigurgeirsson, and Ken Patterson to offer their thoughts on the announcement of the New 3DS and what implications it has on each of their development processes, if any. Will focusing on the extra processing power and C-stick split their player base too thin? Do these new units put too much pressure on fans to upgrade and consequently put pressure on developers to focus on the new units? How do these iterations impact the overall life of a console generation? Our guests this week help shed some light on the impact these mid-cycle hardware announcements have on developers, and what questions they have to ask when developing with these challenges in mind.
(Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.)
The Music of 2014 – Have Your Say!
Posted on 10 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Podcast, Reader Poll, Wii U, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
It’s that time of year again! Last year’s game music podcast seemed to go over much better than I expected a two-hour show to, so let’s do the same thing for the soundtracks from this year. And once again I’m looking for reader (listener?) input to help put the thing together and narrow down a top 10 list.
The rules are pretty much the same as last year. Vote here to rate each of the twenty shortlisted games and add in any comments if you have them (you can also use that section to tell me if neglected to include certain soundtracks). Since some of them were included in last year’s show, the voting excludes games that were released in other regions last year like Bravely Default, but not ones like Fantasy Life that I previously forgot about. I’ve also excluded any games with an English release confirmed for next year like Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – save it for the 2015 list! There are a handful of games like Guacamelee on the list that were released on other platforms last year, but as 2014 was their first showing on a Nintendo platform they’re up for voting.
So please get your votes in and look forward to the final podcast whenever it posts. Maybe there’ll be guests or co-hosts this time? Who can say. Since I’ll be out of the country for a while – I’ll probably have left by the time this posts – don’t expect any results until mid-January at the earliest. That’s kind of late for a retrospective, but I’m sure you’re all sick of top-10 lists at the moment. I know I sure am after putting together all that Nintendo DS stuff.
More: game music, highlight, podcast, Reader poll, top, voting
[Feature] New Knowledge on the Newcomers!
Posted on 10 years ago by Vincent Ward in 3DS, Features, Game of the Month, Wii U | 6 Comments
It’s no wonder a game such as Super Smash Bros. has become the big hit it is today. Even after its near 15 year lifespan, it seems that the Smash community only grows larger and larger every day. I mean, a game where you get to mound Sonic the Hedgehog’s smug little face in with Mario’s fire-spouting fists as Mega Man tries to intervene for that one extra kill is already my game of the century based on that scenario alone. While the series is also known for its kick-ass gameplay that’s just simple enough while still providing the necessary elements to begin a huge competitive scene, it’s mainly known for accomplishing a seemingly impossible task and gathering together all of Nintendo’s star players and making it all seem so… right. As expected, there’s a huge roster of characters to select from, boasting characters from huge series’ such as Mario and Legend of Zelda all the way to lesser known series such as Earthbound and Fire Emblem. I thought it would be fun to delve deeper into some of the more unique newcomers’ history and analyze why the characters might’ve been chosen join the battle, so let’s go ahead and do that, shall we?