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The latest issue of Famitsu contains an interview with producer Tomoya Asano, some of which has been translated by Siliconera. Asano spoke to the magazine about how the team is making Bravely Second with “sequel” as a focus, teased surprises, and more.

You’ll find details and a few comments from Asano below.

Yoshi’s New World sold 58,285 copies in its first week, based on data from Media Create. The game also sold through 57.59 percent of its initial shipment.

The last mainline Yoshi game, Yoshi’s Island DS, moved 303,114 copies at launch with a sell-through rate of 84.82 percent. There’s definitely a big difference between the two, though there are important factors to consider.

Perhaps biggest of all is that Yoshi’s New Island is included in Nintendo’s “Monthly Recommended Software Campaign”. New 3DS owners are able to download one game for free (or choose from other titles) through the end of August.

Media Create reports that Yoshi’s Island DS sold to younger and older Mario fans. Yoshi’s New Island, however, was mainly purchased by a younger audience.

Yoshi’s New Island could end up selling quite a bit more down the line. Yoshi’s Island DS eventually went on to move one million copies in Japan, so something similar could happen with the new 3DS title.


Following his success in designing Final Fantasy IV, Takashi Tokita went on to create a lesser known RPG called Live A Live, a Japan-only RPG that had a story that was all over the place. Described as Street Fighter imagined as a JRPG, the storylines had quite literally everything form a kung-fu tale to a western. This stowed away Super Famicon gem will be coming to the Japanese Virtual Console sometime in the near future and while Square was quite thorough with porting their more esoteric games to the Wii, Live A Live never made it to that platform making it the first time it will be released in a Virtual Console setting.


Wacky peripherals are nothing new to Nintendo titles but this latest title from SEGA is a little extra eccentric. Poochi the Robotic Dog has you interacting with a robotic toy via a 3DS game / app, which can send barks that are translated into Japanese, play rock-paper-scissors and show you how it is feeling by the color on its face. Additionally, it has the ability to sing, has a number of sensors on its back, nose and tail and is currently to be priced at around $58.

Source, via

Famitsu are reporting that Level-5’s smash hit Youkai Watch 2 has already shipped 2 million copies in Japan in it’s opening 3 weeks, with the number of sold copies  not too far behind that number. The game is currently a Japanese exclusive which makes these numbers even more impressive and poses the question of whether or not these sales are enough to incentivise Level-5 to invest in a Western localisation.


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