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Next month, a cafe with the theme of Kirby will open in Japan for a limited of time. Unsurprisingly, it’ll go by the name “Kirby Cafe”. Original goods exclusive to the cafe will also be sold here.

And that’s all we know for now! The official site is located here. We should have more information soon.

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Those who stop by a GAME outlet in the UK can receive a special Kirby theme, pictured above. You can obtain it by entering the Nintendo Zone. Note that the offer expires on July 10.


Along with the Smash Bros. amiibo diorama, one based on Kirby found its way to Japan last week. A proper look at it can be found in the video below.

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As Japan gets the latest Kirby game, popular instant-messaging app LINE has added some animated Kirby stickers to their lineup. Retailing at 240 Yen/1.99€/£1.49/$1.99 or 100 LINE coins, they’re the perfect way to add a little more of the pink puffball to your life.


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Yesterday, Nintendo’s Japanese Twitter page posted news about the new Nintendo Direct. Makiko Ohmoto, the voice of Kirby, ended up re-tweeting the news a few hours ago. That’s set off speculation that Kirby will be featured in some form during today’s presentation – be it a new game or something else. Whether that actually happens remains to be seen.



3DS owners can obtain a bunch of different hats for their Mii in StreetPass Mii Plaza. One of these is based on Kirby, which features the character as a completely wearable item.

In Japan, ensky will be bringing out a real life version of the hat. You can actually reserve it right now on Play-Asia as an import item for $30. It should be available towards the end of February – Play-Asia lists February 25.


As the first Kirby game shipped in 1992, the character (and the franchise overall) is celebrating its 23rd birthday this year. Developer HAL Laboratory decided to post a special message on Miiverse in honor of the occasion. Head past the break for the full note from Kirby Triple Deluxe director Shinya Kumazaki.

Three classic Kirby games are coming to the North American Wii U eShop this week. Nintendo won’t say which ones they are yet, but each one is being released in celebration of the character’s birthday.

Nintendo sent out the following tweet just a few minutes ago:

We could be hearing about the names of these titles tomorrow, if previous leaks are anything to go by. If that doesn’t happen, we’ll know on Thursday morning at the latest!


Over the past few generations, HAL Laboratory has primarily worked on Kirby games. We’ve seen a few non-Kirby titles here and there (most recently with BoxBoy!), but that character is certainly the studio’s bread and butter. Interestingly, BoxBoy! director Yasuhiro Mukae recently informed Kotaku that “several” projects are in the works that are unrelated to the character.

Mukae mentioned:

Certainly, as you say, the Kirby series is HAL Laboratory’s main development focus, but we actually have several other projects proceeding along in parallel (not that I can give details on them right now, of course). We also have a few experimental projects in the works with smaller teams, so there certainly isn’t any rule that we must be involved with Kirby projects. Like I discussed in the first question, BoxBoy got its start as an experimental project along those lines.

I was involved in the development of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, but I was also working on the BoxBoy experiment at the same time. Handling both projects simultaneously presented some big challenges, but creating a game with a new character like Qbby made me feel happier than I’ve ever felt before.

Once Kirby: Triple Deluxe development wrapped up, I was able to devote myself fully to BoxBoy. This happened right when it went from an experiment to an official development project, and full-on development began at that point. Some of the Kirby: Triple Deluxe team also joined the BoxBoy project right about then.

As I wrote earlier, our development efforts may be chiefly devoted to Kirby, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule that everything has to be related to Kirby titles. I’m getting the chance to be involved a lot more often with non-Kirby things, such as this BoxBoy project—though, again, I can’t give details quite yet.

Below are some other noteworthy tidbits shared in Kotaku’s interview:

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