Video: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl comparison (Switch vs. DS, August 2021)
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
You may recall that we shared a Switch vs. DS comparison video for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl when the remakes were announced earlier this year. But now that we’ve received new footage from today’s Pokemon Presents, GameXplain has put together a new version.
Here’s the full video:
Video: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl vs. original Pokemon Diamond/Pearl comparison
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Switch, Videos | 0 comments
GameXplain has put together a new comparison video Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, which were just announced for Switch today. Fans of the games can get a better view as to how the remakes stack up to the original games on DS.
Here’s the full video:
Rumor: Switch getting Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl remakes in 2021, reveal in February
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 0 comments
According to a report from Centro Pokemon, remakes based on Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl are currently in development for Switch. The two games are apparently planned for a 2021 release.
Centro Pokemon mentions that the remakes will not be in the style of Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee, so expect something more along the likes of Sword/Shield. The site adds that a reveal is planned for February.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, top
Video: Modder brings Pokemon Diamond/Pearl’s Sinnoh map to Super Mario Galaxy
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch, Wii | 0 comments
Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl have entered the world of Super Mario Galaxy in a rather interesting way. Modder
RiazorMC has ported the Sinnoh map over to the Wii game, complete with the towns and routes the region is known for. Twinleaf Town, the entrance to the Pokemon League, and more are all accounted for. You can even swim in the proper areas.
This is still ultimately Super Mario Galaxy, but with a fixed, top-down perspective like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. To “complete” the level, you still need to reach the Power Star. In this case though, it’s been swapped out with a Staryu.
Here’s a look at the mod in video form:
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl early builds unearthed, reveal many changes from the final games
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were among the many games included in the latest Nintendo leaks. A number of builds have been unearthed, with the earliest one going back to March 14, 2006, which is more than five months before the final release.
Twitter Lewchube has been rounding up the many discoveries on Twitter. They include a possible father figure, a potential different type pairing for Turtwig, graphical changes, different area layouts, and more.
Here’s the full roundup:
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, top
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl beta sprites revealed as part of Nintendo leak
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
There continue to be new developments stemming from this week’s Nintendo leak. An early version of Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl has been discovered, revealing beta sprites from the games.
Here’s the full set:
This is just one of several recent Nintendo-related leaks that have sprung up. Others include an online Pokemon PC title, beta sprites and early designs for a number of classics, and information/assets pertaining to Super Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, top
Dataminers find that Pokemon Gen 4 has increased encounter rates on certain holidays, decreased on tragic anniversaries
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Late last month, Nintendo was hit with another leak, which included the source code for Pokemon Gen 4. Fans have been parsing through the files since then and have been making discoveries such as a scrapped event with Cyrus. There’s been another interesting find recently relating to Pokemon spawn rates.
Interestingly, encounter rates go up by 5 percent on holidays such as Independence Day and St. Patrick’s Day. The full list is as follows (as shared by shinyhunter_map):
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, top
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl – unused event with Cyrus found following source code leak
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
After the source code for the Gen 3 Pokemon games leaked online a few days ago, some fans have been picking away at the code and files in hopes of finding some interesting secrets. There’s at least been an interesting discovery within the past few days.
Over on Twitter, users shinyhunter_map and RETIREglitch helped uncover an unused event with Team Galactic boss Cyrus. Here’s a clip from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl’s internal data on the skirts of Floaroma Town:
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl
Nintendo hit with another leak, including source code for 3DS OS and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
2020 has been very active as far as Nintendo leaks are concerned. We’ve seen files and code being distributed online involving Pokemon Gen 2 and Pokemon Gen 3, not to mention assets involving Wii (though its severity was later downplayed).
Unfortunately for Nintendo, it appears that the leaks won’t be ending anytime soon. The latest report concerns data coming online for the 3DS operating source code and Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
More: Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, top
Rumor: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl beta sprites leak, show distinct male/female designs
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Rumors | 0 comments
A potential Pokemon leak recently surfaced on 4chan. Supposedly, a whole bunch of beta sprites from Diamond and Pearl have popped up online. They’re notable in the way they present the Pokemon, as there are distinct designs for male and female variants.
Take Pikachu for instance. Apparently, the female version of that creature has a heart at the end of her tail and is lop-eared. We also have a look at a female Charizard with one horn, a female Arcanine with a swept-back mane, a female Mudkip with a shorter head fin, a female Plusle with smaller ears, and a female Marill have a larger ball at the end of its tail.
Here are some of the highlights: