Level-5 CEO on how Professor Layton came to be, how the company got involved with self-publishing
Posted on 4 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
In a recent interview with Yahoo Japan, Level-5 CEO Akihiko Hino spoke at length about the company’s beginnings, reminiscing about memorable moments in his career and sharing insight into the origin of some of the company’s most famous works. Once Hino announced his intent to get into self publishing back in the day, the pressure he faced fueled him to make the Level-5’s first self published title a hit, leading to the birth of Professor Layton.
We’ve translated Hino’s comments about self publishing, as well as the inspirations he borrowed from to create Professor Layton after the jump.
Layton anime to begin in April, new promo art released
Posted on 7 years ago by Tyler(@tylerlelliott) in General Nintendo, Images, News | 2 Comments
New artwork has been released to promote the upcoming anime series Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat’s Mystery-Solving Files. You can see the promo art above.
Level-5 has announced the series will begin in April in Japan, although an exact date appears to have not been given. We will keep you updated as more details emerge.
More: anime, Professor Layton
Professor Layton TV series reportedly in the works
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 12 Comments
According to the latest issue of Total Licensing, a television series based on Professor Layton is in the works. Only a couple of details are known thus far. Specifically, it’s planned to have 26 episodes and will premiere in 2018.
That’s the only information present in the magazine. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.
More: Professor Layton
Level-5 CEO on why Layton has been a success in the west, continued popularity, series’ origins, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
A new interview has appeared with Level-5’s CEO. Glixel recently spoke with the company’s Akihiro Hino.
Hino had plenty to say about the Layton series, including its success in the west, continued popularity today, and how it came to be in the first place. He also commented on other topics as well. These include how Level-5 is different from other developers and how it has changed as a company, and more.
You can read up on notable excerpts from the interview below. Head on over here for the full interview.
More: Akihiro Hino, interview, Level-5, Professor Layton, top
Level-5 considering past projects for Switch, making Katrielle the new protagonist of Layton, Phoenix Wright crossover
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Switch | 22 Comments
Another new interview is in with Akihiro Hino. This time, GameSpot is the latest outlet to have spoken with the Level-5 CEO. Topics include potentially bringing past projects to Switch, why Katrielle is the new protagonist of the Layton series (and whether or not she’s really Professor Layton’s daughter), and reminiscing on Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Find these excerpts from the interview below. You can read GameSpot’s full interview here.
Level-5 looking into a new Layton game on Switch; touchscreen controls are an issue
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 13 Comments
The next game in the Professor Layton game series, Layton’s Mystery Journey, is out this year – but what’s in store for the series after that? Speaking to Eurogamer, Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has said the following about a possible Layton game on the Nintendo Switch:
I played Zelda. I love the Switch. I think it’s amazing hardware. The problem is, the Layton series does a lot with the touchscreen and pointing. So, the problem with the Switch is, if you play on handheld you can do it, but if you put it on the dock… we’re trying to figure out how that would play into it.
If we can get around that and figure out a way of doing it, definitely we’re looking into putting the next Layton onto the Switch.
At the very least, it’s good to see Level-5 being so frank about it, and it seems they are committed to figuring things out with regards to a Switch game.
More: Level-5, Professor Layton
Professor Layton celebrates 10th anniversary, official Twitter page opens
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 7 Comments
The very first Professor Layton game debuted in Japan back on February 15, 2007. That’s right: the series is now ten years old.
In celebration of the milestone, Professor Layton now has its own Twitter account. You can keep track of any updates that may surface here.
Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino had some fun with Professor Layton earlier today. It looks like he held a special event in Japan to promote the anniversary – here are a couple of photos:
I haven't really forgotten! It's the 10th anniversary of the Professor Layton series! Join me for tea to celebrate, English gent style! https://t.co/CZhCCkbprb
— ???? (@AkihiroHino) February 15, 2017
Here's to the last ten years of Professor Layton! And the Layton family will return. Look out for the all-new Lady Layton games coming soon! https://t.co/jHTNt7mqJH
— ???? (@AkihiroHino) February 15, 2017
— ???? (@AkihiroHino) February 15, 2017
What a lovely picture of my daughter, Katrielle, and me on the cake! Thanks to everyone who sent me a message. I really do appreciate it. pic.twitter.com/uGt5ivgQg0
— Lonely Layton (@lonelylayton) February 15, 2017
Professor Layton won’t have a new title this year, but the series as a whole will. Level-5 will be publishing Lady Layton on 3DS sometime in 2017.
More: Level-5, Professor Layton
New Layton, Inazuma Eleven games to be announced next month
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 20 Comments
Level-5 Vision 2016 will be held next month. We’ll be seeing all sorts of announcements and updates from Level-5, including news on Snack World and more. CEO Akihiro Hino provided a sneak peek of the event during a live stream today.
First, a brand new Layton title will be revealed at Level-5 Vision 2016. It’s not Layton 7 which we saw a couple of years ago. Instead, it’ll be a true, proper entry in the series. It will also have a new protagonist, and it’s not Layton’s son Alfendi. The Japanese voice cast list will be full of all-stars from movies.
Hino also finally confirmed that a new Inazuma Eleven game is in the works. The setting will go back to the era of the first entry, but the protagonist will be a new character. The setting won’t be anything like going to space. Finally, an anime will be made based on the new Inazuma Eleven.
It’s important to note that platforms are not confirmed for both projects. However, given the history of Layton and Inazuma Eleven, there’s a good chance that they’ll end up on Nintendo systems. You can take a look at some concept art from the two games below.
More: Inazuma Eleven, Level-5, Professor Layton, top
Professor Layton “Puzzle Master” Akira Tago passes away
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 7 Comments
Japanese psychologist and professor Akira Tago has passed away at the age of 90. Tago’s death resulted from interstitial pneumonia.
Tago played a big role in the Professor Layton series, and he was even credited as “Puzzle Master” in the different games. His Atama no Taisou / Head Gymnastics book series, which went on to sell millions of copies, is what Level-5’s franchise is based around.
More: Akira Tago, Professor Layton, top
Voice actor sparks speculation about Professor Layton coming to Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors, Wii U | 32 Comments
Update: (8/23): Bumped to the top. Miller has now posted another tweet saying that he has “no idea” if Layton will be in Smash Bros.

Original (8/22): In July, the IMDB page for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS was edited to include Christopher Robin Miller. This is the voice actor behind Professor Layton in the English version of the games. A couple of weeks back, a fan asked if the listing was true, which he denied.
Another fan once again asked Miller on Twitter today about being credited on IMDB for playing Professor Layton in Smash Bros. Interestingly, he indicated this time around that he did actually voice lines for the games.

There could be a few things going on here. Perhaps Miller has his wires crossed, and he’s incorrectly thinking that he voiced lines for Professor Layton in Smash Bros. Or maybe he’s joking. Another possibility, while it would be somewhat surprising due to the nature of NDAs, is that Miller let some information slip. What do you guys think?