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Square Enix

Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition is out now on Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the occasion, Nintendo shared a special message from series creator Yuji Horii and the game’s director Hokuto Okamoto:

Nintendo is back with another character trailer for Dragon Quest XI S. Find a video featuring Veronica and Serena below.

Square Enix

Square Enix has kicked off a new sale on the Switch eShop. A number of high-profile titles have been discounted, including many Final Fantasy titles, Collection of Mana, and more.

Here’s the full list:

Dragon Quest XI S is finally launching on Switch tomorrow. It’s been a long time coming, as we’ve known about the game ever since the console was given its NX code name. There weren’t too many that knew what the Switch actually was at the time – including some of the top developers at Square Enix.

During today’s Dragon Quest XI S Channel: Countdown Special live stream, the developers discussed Dragon Quest XI S’s long journey to Switch. Late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, before his passing, had conversations with them about the hardware, and revealed its hybrid ability of being able to play at home or on the go. Other crucial information like the system’s name were still under wraps.

Some might be curious why Dragon Quest XI S was announced so early, and why it was made known before the Switch was unveiled. We can thank Iwata for that, as it was a request of his for the RPG to appear on Nintendo’s new platform. The developers said in the stream that they’ve now delivered on their promise to bring Dragon Quest XI S to Switch.


The first three entries in the Dragon Quest series launch on Switch worldwide tomorrow. For a look at gameplay from each one, check out the footage below.

Square Enix is preparing for this week’s launch of Dragon Quest XI S on Switch with a new Japanese commercial. View it below.

Nintendo has shared a new Dragon Quest XI S trailer highlighting two of the game’s characters. View a video for Erik and Sylvando below.

Retailer Geo has posted the packaging image for the special Dragon Quest XI S Loto Edition Switch hardware bundle. Check it out above.

The entire Switch hardware features unique Dragon Quest imagery throughout. It also comes with a copy of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition Gorgeous Edition.


Play-Asia has posted the boxart for Dragon Quest I+II+III Collection, a physical bundle featuring the first three entries in the series for Switch. You can check it out above.

Square Enix announced that these trio of Dragon Quest titles will be released in the west, but only in digital form. The physical version for Asia will fortunately support English. If you’re interested, you can pre-order a copy on Play-Asia here.

Square Enix is planning one more Dragon Quest XI Channel S live stream, which will take place just ahead of the Switch game’s launch next week. It will be held on September 26 between 9 PM and 1 AM Japan time.

Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai will have a special discussion to kick off the live stream. Then during the second part of the broadcast, the game’s Japanese voice actors will discuss Dragon Quest XI and the series as a whole, followed by a launch celebration when the clock strikes midnight on September 27.

Source, Via

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