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Dragon Marked for Death

Dragon Marked for Death has been updated on Switch to version 3.1.0. Along with a couple of adjustments, lots of bug fixes have been implemented.

Below are the full patch notes:

Following last week’s announcement, a trio of SNES games have been added to the Nintendo Switch Online service. Now that version 1.4.0 is live, players can begin playing Wild Guns, Panel de Pon, and Operation Logic Bomb.

Below are overviews of all three games:

The Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online app has updated, bringing along its latest game. After downloading version 4.4.0, players can access Rygar.

Here’s an overview of the title:

VD-Dev has revealed a new update RISE: Race The Future, nearly a year after the game arrived on Switch.

When live, players will be able to choose between two different visual quality settings. The first caps the action at 30 frames per second and features higher graphical fidelity. And though the other option won’t look quite as nice, it enables 60 frames per second.

VD-Dev actually made improvements to the overall engine. Players can look forward to improved loading times, better real time shadow distance, and more.

Here’s a chart comparing the two visual quality settings, and also provides a look at the engine improvements since release:

Hidden Folks creator Adriaan de Jongh today announced a major patch for the hidden object game Hidden Folks. Known as the “On Tour” update, it will add “6 new music themed areas to the game more than 70 things to find, new mouth sounds, and plenty of new clues with mildly amusing or straight up bad jokes.”

Here’s a look at the new areas:

Digital Cybercherries recently issued a new update for Hypercharge: Unboxed. It fixed Buildmode skipping (now a majority rule to skip) and added support for French, Spanish, and German language options.

Hypercharge: Unboxed has a bunch of content upcoming in the future such as new modes and maps. However, due to the coronavirus, Digital Cybercherries says its roadmap “is months behind schedule.” The studio hopes “things will resume to normal soon.”

Hypercharge: Unboxed is currently available on the Switch eShop. We have a look at future content for the game here.


Publisher Versus Evil and developer Breadcrumbs Interactive have announced a new 1.1 update for the action RPG Yaga. Otherwise known as “The Bad Fate Update,” it carries plenty of gameplay improvements, tweaks, and fresh content.

Below are the full details:

Today, Indivisible received a new 1.01 update on Switch. It includes support for 1080p resolution when the system is docked, performance improvements, and more.

The full patch notes are as follows:

Mario Kart Tour has been updated on iOS and Android. With version 2.1.0, Nintendo has added the Team Game rule and Room Code feature to multiplayer, plus more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Panzer Dragoon: Remake was updated to version 1.3 earlier today, adding in new features and improvements. One of the latest additions involves a Performance Mode with 60 frames per second. Take a closer look at the feature below.

Panzer Dragoon: Remake is currently available on the Switch eShop. In case you missed it, you can learn more about version 1.3 here.

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