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Niantic has said that they would be updating Pokemon GO regularly, and so far they’ve hold true to their promise. A new update for the game is available. Players can download version 1.0.3 / 0.29.3 as of now.

Admittedly, the update doesn’t do a whole lot. The official patch notes say that minor text fixes have been implemented.

Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO had its first update earlier today – version 1.0.1 / 0.29.1. However, iOS users may encounter issues after applying the patch. Polygon reports that Pokemon GO is locking out players who use their Pokemon Trainer Club account to access the app.

The first Pokemon GO update was mainly intended to fix bugs and make the experience smoother. For the full rundown, check out our post here.

If Niantic has anything to say about the situation, we’ll pass that along.

Version 1.2 for Cube Life: Island Survival is now available. The patch came out within the past few days in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Several new features are added with the update. Here’s the full rundown:

– Share custom maps
– 400+ items, new items like ladders, motorboats, diving masks, traps, etc.
– Completely redesigned AI of the Cannibals
– Stealth attacks! Approach an enemy from behind and gain the upper hand
– Bigger world to explore at 3,520 x 3,520 blocks (was 2,880 x 2,880)
– New pets: Added Chickens, Boars, Baby Boards, and Giant Crabs
– Assign commands to pets now (defensive, offensive, or collect items)
– New animals: Rabbits, Puffer Fish, Parrots, Lizards, Gorillas, Crabs…
– Fight new enemy bosses: The Kraken and Cannibal Boss
– other unspecified features

View some footage of the update below.


Android users now have access to a new version of Miitomo. Earlier today, version 1.3.1 released. We haven’t seen any equivalent on iOS (at least for now), and given the version change, this likely implements some bug fixes.


Update: Bumped to the top. Here’s some footage:

Discovery’s first update should be out in both Europe and Australia, based on a brief Miiverse message from its creator. It’s not ready in North America just yet, but it’s in the approval process. We’ll keep tabs on it and will let you know when it’s available in the states.


Splatoon will be receiving its latest update next week. Version 2.9.0 will be going out during the evening of July 5 in North America, and the early morning hours of July 6 in Europe.

After applying the update, players will be able to use the new Callie and Marie amiibo. Weapons are being balanced, a small stage adjustment will be implemented, and there will be some multiplayer bug fixes.

Head past the break for the full patch notes for Splatoon version 2.9.0. Note that 373MB of free space will be required for the update.

Update: Bumped to the top. The patch is now live. It takes up 40MB of space.

Minecraft: Wii U Edition is getting another update to address issues with the Battle Mini Game. The ninth patch should be released later tonight.

As for what’s involved here, below are the full patch notes:

  • Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
  • Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
  • Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
  • Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
  • Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
  • Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
  • Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
  • Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
  • Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.


Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends have both received new updates and DLC. On Wii U, version 1.10.0 is out now. 3DS is up to version 1.4.0.

The patch notes for Wii U say that adjustments were made to some of the characters while also fixing bugs. 3DS has increased the level cap, added medals and fairies, adjusted rupees earned through StreetPass Link, adjusted characters, and addressed bugs.

The newest DLC, Link’s Awakening Pack, is available on both of Nintendo’s platforms. This includes Marin, boots for Linkle, 16 new costumes, plus 16 new My Fairy costume pieces and an Adventure Mode map specifically on 3DS.


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Update: Now live on Android.

The latest version of Miitomo is starting to go live. Version 1.3.0 is out now on iOS, and should be available on Android shortly.

Today’s update brings along a number of features. Here’s what’s included:

– Added options to share images and answers (via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger)
– A conversation menu will now be displayed when talking to a Mii
– A question of the day will now be displayed in the recent activity tab
– Daily bonus progress can now be checked at any time
– Implemented bug fixes and speed optimizations

Update: Another new feature will be Star Accounts – these are “notable” Miis that will visit you and allow you to hear (and star) their answers. These will presumably be Nintendo developers, celebrities and the like. However, this feature will only be available if your phone’s location is set to Japan. It is not known at the moment if this feature will be added to other regions as well at a later point.


This coming week, Miitomo should have a new update. Nintendo provided a preview about what it has in store today.

Users can look forward to the following:

– Share recent news at any time when you talk with your own Mii character
– Tap links in answers and comments to open them in a browser
– The cap on popularity level and style level will be raised to 30
– More options for sharing or sending invitations
– Mexico, Switzerland, and South Africa will be available as country setting options
– Additional optimizations and bug fixes are also planned

Miitomo will be distributed in Mexico, Switzerland, and South Africa starting on June 30. Expect the update to drop around then.

Aside from the update news, new items are out now in Miitomo. Here’s the full lineup:

– Nautical bucket hat
– Polo shirt w/ emblem
– Denim shorts
– Ribbed lace knee-highs
– Leather crisscross sandals
– Shooting star pin
– Cow hood
– Cow suit


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