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In a Nintendo Direct recap announcement sent out by Nintendo UK earlier today, the company touched on the upcoming broadcast for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS – though just briefly. It’s stated that this presentation will be the “last one” for the two games. We’ve seen a number of Smash Bros. video events since the initial unveiling, but it looks like things are finally starting to come to a close.

Source: Nintendo PR

NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of October 2015. The results can be found below.

1. Halo 5: Guardians (XBO)
2. NBA 2K16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
3. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (PS4, XBO)
4. Madden NFL 16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
5. WWE 2K16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
6. FIFA 16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
7. Destiny: The Taken King (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3)
8. Yoshi’s Wooly World (NWU)
9. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PS4)
10. Rock Band 4 (XBO, PS4)


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Nintendo has finally made The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD official. The game was formally revealed during the new Nintendo Direct presentation today. We’ll be seeing it next year.

Here are some details:

– Improved visuals
– Tantalus helping out
– New amiibo figure: wolf Link
– Out March 4
– Soundtrack is a pre-order bonus
– Bundle with wolf Link amiibo will be available
– Some data saved to the wolf Link amiibo will carry over to Zelda Wii U

It feels good to be putting up one of these posts again! Nintendo Direct is finally back, and we have three different streams to look forward to.

Today’s Nintendo Direct will begin at the following times:

– 2 PM PT
– 5 PM ET
– 10 PM in the UK
– 11 PM in Europe
– 9 AM in Australia (AEDT)

We’re embedding the North American, European, and Japanese broadcasts below. A live blog, mainly based on the U.S. version, will also be below. New posts will take precedence, but I’ll try keeping the blog as updated as possible.

The North American Nintendo Direct will be 45 minutes. Japanese Nintendo Direct will be 46 minutes long. Live blog below!

Live blog

– Reggie shows up for the Nintendo Direct presentation
– Brief mention of Iwata’s passing

Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

– Improved visuals
– Tantalus helping out
– New amiibo figure: wolf Link
– Out March 4
– Soundtrack is a pre-order bonus
– Bundle with wolf Link amiibo will be available
– Some data saved to the wolf Link amiibo will carry over to Zelda Wii U

Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

– New DLC coming next month

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

– Rehash of information


Super Mario Maker

– In December, a new website will let you browse levels by new filters
– More than 3.3 million user-created levels are available globally

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis

– Rehash of previously-known info

Xenoblade Chronicles X

– Download install packs from the eShop starting today
– These are built into the digital version
– Pre-load today

Pokemon Picross

– Free-to-start
– Out early December


– Download SteamWorld Heist when it launches this holiday season and receive an exclusive 3DS HOME Menu theme
– FAST Racing Neo out in early December
– Typoman out November 19

– Smash Bros/Splatoon Wii U bundle officially announced


Pokken Tournament

– Spring 2016 in North America

Star Fox Zero

– Out April 22

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

– Out January 22

Final Fantasy Explorers

– Collector’s edition officially revealed

Fire Emblem Fates

– Out February 19

Mega Man Legacy Collection

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow

– Coming to the 3DS VC
– February 27

Hyrule Warriors Legends

Dragon Quest

Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS

– Adding Cloud from Final Fantasy VII
– Special broadcast next month


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

Monster High New Ghoul in School – $39.99 (available Nov. 17)

Wii U Download

Girls Like Robots – $6.99
Test Your Mind – $2.99
Word Party – $14.99

Wii U Virtual Console

Contra Advance: The Alien Wars Ex – $7.99

Wii U Demo

Word Party

3DS Retail

Moco Moco Friends – $39.99 (available Nov. 17)
Monster High New Ghoul in School – $29.99 (available Nov. 17)
Stella Glow – $49.99 (available Nov. 17)

3DS Download

Horse Life 4 – $14.99
Johnny’s Payday Panic – $3.99
Nintendo Badge Arcade – free

3DS Demo

Samurai Defender

3DS Themes

Stella Glow: “The Witches and Bubu”

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

– Turtle Tale for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS is 40 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.79) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 26.

Wii U

– Affordable Space Adventures is 20 percent off (reduced from $19.99 to $15.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 26.
– Roving Rogue is 25 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $5.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 26.
– Blok Drop U, DON’T CRASH and more games from RCMADIAX Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 6.


– ?Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl and Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight are on sale starting at 9 a.m. PT on Nov. 16 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Nov. 30.
– TOYS VS MONSTERS is 75 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $0.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 10.


You Have a New Client Waiting! – Felyne is a character from Capcom’s Monster Hunter game franchise, and he is looking for a home designer to help decorate his place in the Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer game. Fulfilling Felyne’s request will net you new and unique items for your catalog. Use Monster Hunter-themed items to make him feel right at home. Felyne is available for a limited time via SpotPass, so check the in-game Nintendo 3DS system on the second floor of Nook’s Homes to meet him and take him on as a client.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. “Emerald City” Tournament – See how your squad stacks up online in Nintendo’s Public Tournaments. Top players earn unique titles that are visible online and earn major bragging rights with your friends and around the world. The new “Emerald City” tournament runs Nov. 13 through Nov. 16. Opt in via the SpotPass feature on your Nintendo 3DS system for notifications about future tournaments. Good luck, agents!

Source: Nintendo PR

Minecraft: Wii U Edition may finally be coming to Wii U, if a listing on PEGI is anything to go by. The UK ratings board just added the game to its database today.

Minecraft is available on just about every platform, but it has yet to hit Wii U. Minecraft: Story Mode – a spinoff of the franchise made by Telltale Games – is heading to the eShop at some point soon.

Source, Via

More: , ,

System: 3DS
Release date: June 11, 2015 (JP)
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo

Author: Patrick

Okay, so full disclosure: Rhythm Heaven is probably my favourite Nintendo-published series if not my flat-out favourite game series of all time. For me the core gameplay clicked immediately with the cute and creative minigames that make up the series proving to be a brilliant way to test players’ musical abilities. You could sell me a Rhythm Heaven game that was 75% old content and I’d still eat it up. And that just so happens to be what Nintendo have done this time. The currently Japan-exclusive Rhythm Heaven The Best+ brings rhythm games from the previous three entries in the series to the 3DS along with a handful of new games and some structural changes. It’s a solid compilation of the series’ highs, even if there’s a sense that the developers didn’t quite get why Rhythm Heaven is “the best”.

Polygon has put up a new Super Mario Maker piece, which contains some comments from producer Takashi Tezuka and senior director Yoshikazu Yamashita. The two spoke about the game’s development process, wanting the game to appeal to all players worldwide, costumes, and updates.

We’ve rounded up the information after the break. We also encourage you to check out Polygon’s full article here.

Playtonic has revealed a brand new character for Yooka-Laylee as part of a feature on IGN. Above is a look at Rextro Sixtyfourus, an old-school dinosaur character who acts as guardian of the arcade machines hidden on each level. Players will find at least one secret arcade game in each world, which provides a Pagie when completed.

Mark Stevenson, who previously worked on the Donkey Kong Country series, Donkey Kong 64, and Kameo, designed Rextro Sixtyfourus. Here’s what he had to say about the character:

“We decided on using a dinosaur pretty early on as this is a creature that naturally associates with a past era. Then I think mostly my inspiration came from work I’d done previously on characters for the Donkey Kong 64 game. From this work I knew the kind of forms we had to create due to low polygon counts, so this inspired the shapes used to create Rextro’s blocky feet and hands that are virtually cubes. All the polygons in Rexto have hard edges as well: this affects how the light shines on him meaning you can basically see all the polygon faces as individual facets.

“I wanted Rex to to feel like he captured the era of games from my early career which also included work on the Donkey Kong games on the Super Nintendo. Finally just to reinforce the retro aspect some more, I created a custom shader that creates a scanline effect on Rextro to make him look like he’s being viewed on an old school CRT TV.”

“He evolved quite naturally really, the only part of him that we really took some time to settle on was his accessory around his neck which started out as a red tie very much like Donkey Kong before we settled on a medallion made from one of the game’s Play Tokens to reference his crucially important task.”

Check out the video below for a look at Rextro Sixtyfourus.


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