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Nintendo shared an interesting tidbit about the name for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds in the latest Iwata Asks. According to director Hiromasa Shikata, the company considered calling the 3DS release “The New Legend of Zelda”.

In Japan, A Link Between Worlds is called Triforce of the Gods 2. Nintendo decided to stick with A Link to the Past’s original Japanese name while adding the “2” because “it didn’t feel out of place,” series producer Eiji Aonuma said.

Somewhat surprisingly, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds doesn’t incorporate a direct top-down view.

The development team implemented a “trick” so that the perspective would come off well. As a result, elements like the Link character model and rupees are actually set at an angle, which allows players to see character faces and bodies when looking above.

As revealed in the latest Iwata Asks:

Early on in the development for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Nintendo came up with the idea of Link being able to enter walls. The thing is, there wasn’t really a set direction as to how the team could make this element enjoyable.

One of the game’s programmers showed interest in seeing how turning corners on the walls would affect things. This eventually led to a bare-bones prototype which was completed in about a day.

The prototype (pictured above, via Iwata Asks) ended up as a very different project compared to A Link Between Worlds’ final result. It featured an angled viewpoint rather than top-down perspective, not to mention a Toon Link character model.


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Nintendo has put up its full-length Iwata Asks discussion for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma, and members of the development team sat down for a chat about the game’s development. You can find the full talk here.

Nintendo has put out a new Wii U firmware update. Starting now, system owners can download version 4.0.2.

The update is rather small, but nonetheless noteworthy. It essentially improves stability and usability of the console.

Note that you’ll need to download the latest Wii U update in order to access the eShop.

VGX nominees announced

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 13 Comments

The full listing of VGX nominees has gone live. You can find the full listing after the break. Voting can be done here.

Game of the Year

BioShock Infinite
Grand Theft Auto V
Super Mario 3D World
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider

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The second episode of Pokemon Origins is now available in English. It can now be seen through Pokemon TV.

Pokemon Origins is different than the typical Pokemon anime in that it connects directly to the Red/Blue video games.

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