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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Update: Full patch notes added in below.

Original: Following a delay, Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s big update is here. Players can now access version 1.3.0.

As mentioned previously, this is a massive update that adds New Game Plus, an Easy Mode, and more. We’ll add in the full patch notes here as soon as we have them. For now, we’ve added in an overview of the update from director Tetsuya Takahashi below.

System: Switch (eShop)
Release date: March 1, 2018
Developer: Bithell Games
Publisher: Bithell Games

With the growing popularity of Switch, developers all across the industry are seeing just how big of an impact Nintendo’s newest console is having on the market. As a result, the system has received an influx of not only third-party developed games, but also a barrage of creative and imaginative indie titles. One such title, Subsurface Circular, is now making the jump to the Switch after its initial release in August 2017. Developed by Mike Bithell Games, the same developer responsible for Thomas Was Alone, Subsurface Circular takes an interesting approach to one of the earliest video games genres ever created: the text-based adventure.

Bandai Namco has gone live with the first trailer for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy on Switch. We have the video below.

Kirby Star Allies

For those with access to the European Switch eShop, a free demo for Kirby Star Allies is out now. You can find it by accessing the game’s store page in the “Coming Soon” section.

Here’s a trailer promoting the demo’s release:

As far as we know, the Kirby Star Allies demo will not be out in North America today. However, as long as you create a European Nintendo Account, you should be able to download it regardless of your region.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Scribblenauts Showdown – $39.99 (available March 6)

Update: Bumped to the top. The Trail: Frontier Challenge will launch in the Americas on March 8.

Original: Last year, The Trail: Frontier Challenge from Kongregate and 22cans released on Steam. Much like with Outlast yesterday, out of nowhere, the exploration-driven simulation game has now unexpectedly landed on Switch. This case is even stranger as we previously had no idea that The Trail would be making its way to Nintendo’s console.

The Trail: Frontier Challenge is a reworked version of 22cans’ mobile title that first appeared a couple of years ago. Peter Molyneux, the creator of Fable, Populous, Black & White, and other games, founded 22cans in 2012.

Nintendo isn’t done with updates for Super Mario Odyssey. It’s unclear if the game will be getting any additional free modes or paid DLC in the future, but there are at least new costumes on the way.

Thanks to last week’s update, which added Luigi’s Balloon World, we may have a pretty good idea as to what Nintendo has planned. Dataminers have plucked through the files from version 1.2.0 and have found many new hats and costumes – complete with their descriptions.

Nintendo Switch

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 39,696
PS4 – 29,392
New 2DS LL – 6,693
PS4 Pro – 5,383
Vita – 5,017
New 3DS LL – 3,693
2DS – 850
Xbox One X – 139
Xbox One – 135

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 41,496
Switch – 39,303
PS4 Pro – 8,006
New 2DS LL – 5,778
Vita – 4,959
New 3DS LL – 3,423
2DS – 959
Xbox One X – 133
Xbox One – 57

And here are the software charts:

Outlast was added to the Switch eShop today. Its sequel, Outlast 2, isn’t too far behind. The European and Australian eShops now have a listing that shows a release date of March 27 (expect it on the same day in North America).

Outlast 2 will cost £26.99. It’ll take up 9.6GB of space.

Below are the first screenshots from Outlast 2 on Switch:

And a lengthy overview:

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