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Zelda Wii U

Emily Rogers – who most recently revealed that a new Paper Mario was heading to Wii U prior to the announcement of Color Splash – has come forward with a new set of rumors about Zelda Wii U.

Today’s speculation consists of three parts. Rogers further backs up claims that the new Zelda will be on both Wii U and NX. Additionally, the game may allow players to choose between a male or female character, and most characters are voiced – aside from Link.

Here’s the full roundup of Rogers’ tweets:

Like with all rumors, these bits should be taken with a grain of salt. It shouldn’t be too much longer until we hear about the new Zelda in an official capacity again, as E3 is coming up quick.


This week’s issue of Famitsu has an interview centered around The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. But of course, the discussion wouldn’t have been complete without a question regarding Zelda Wii U.

When asked about how development is going on the new game by Famitsu, Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma told the magazine:

“Busy. When we did Skyward Sword for the Wii, at the end stages of development, I was in charge of the characters’ dialogue and the in-game text. And, now as well, it’s like it was then. I had to work on text today, too. But, the game has really taken shape, and things have gotten easier. That means things are progressing well.”

Aonuma added that the keyword/key phrase for the game is “something new.” Ocarina of Time was a huge leap for the Zelda series and since then Aonuma explained:

“I think the base of our secret sauce has always been Ocarina of Time. But this time, the change in flavor will be like going from Japanese food to Western style food. Perhaps, players will be surprised. Please look forward to it, because I think we’ll be able to make ‘something new’ like Ocarina of Time was.”


A few Zelda Wii U Easter eggs have been spotted in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. In Chudley’s Fine Goods and Fancy Trinkets Emporium, pieces of art from the upcoming game can be found. It’s nothing mindblowing, but it’s still pretty neat!



Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has commented a bit more on the new entry in the series for Wii U.

Speaking with IGN, he commented about the game’s open world. Aonuma acknowledged that some fans were hoping that Skyward Sword had a bigger open world, and for this title, he wants to “put a surprise, or kind of a twist, on my view of an open world game.”

He said:

“We actually had some feedback from Skyward Sword, where people were saying, ‘This is not exactly the Zelda game I was looking for, I was looking for a bigger open world.’ Unfortunately, I can’t go into details but I’m hoping to put a surprise, or kind of a twist, on my view of an open world game. I hope that you’ll look forward to it.”

Aonuma also talked about fan feedback. Though the development team reads a lot of what fans think about the series, not all of their feedback will make it into future Zelda titles.

“If we put all the feedback the fans write directly into the game, there won’t be an element of surprise. If there’s a comment and they’re asking for certain element, I would think, ‘Oh, why not interpret this in a different way that you wouldn’t expect?’ That’s how we create a new element in a Zelda game. I always want to implement something new and surprising into every game.“


This week, Famitsu has another feature on The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. Along with a general article about the game, there’s also a small interview with some of the game’s developers, including series producer Eiji Aonuma. Although most of the discussion naturally focused on Tri Force Heroes, Famitsu did ask a couple of other questions about the franchise.

Next year will be the 30th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. When Famitsu mentioned this, Aonuma told the magazine:

“This year we wanted a Majora’s Mask concert, so it is not impossible that there may be a 30th anniversary concert next year. However, as we are trying to complete the new Zelda as fast as possible, that is all that is on our minds. That being said, we hope something will take form for the 30th anniversary. It is especially important to a producer of the series, so I hope to give something everyone can look forward to next year.”

Nintendo of America executive vice president of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt commented on the state of Zelda Wii U while speaking with iDigitalTimes.

He told the site:

“We confirmed that a Zelda game, a new Zelda experience is in development for the Wii U and we have our team hard at work on that. We want that to be the best Zelda experience. Fans have been waiting for and deserve a game when it’s ready, when it’s fully featured and when it can live up to what we would like to deliver.”

Moffitt also commented on the possibility of seeing a new Metroid game on Wii U. Ultimately, he indicated that developers “decide how best to create new and different experiences.”

Moffitt said:

Metroid is really up to our game developers to decide how best to create new and different experiences. This Metroid experience [Federation Force] offers a local multiplayer feature that could be a lot of fun for game fans and we hope fans try it out and come to their own conclusions. I have nothing more to announce about a Metroid game for Wii U but let’s be happy for what we have. We’ve got something and let’s experience it and hope fans will enjoy.”


This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

On the decision not to show Zelda Wii U at E3…

Reggie Fils-Aime: “It goes back to the statement i made earlier about how we view E3. We just fundamentally don’t believe in showing content at E3 that is going to be a long term proposition. We like to show content that typically will launch in the upcoming Holiday and maybe extending into the first half of the following year. And at this point, the new Zelda for Wii U is not a 2015 project.”

On how Nintendo showed Zelda Wii U last year even though it seemed like a Q3 game…

Fils-Aime: “No, but when we showed it last year, we believed it was a 2015 game.”

Nintendo had a heavy presence at The Game Awards last year. New trailers debuted for Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. and Mario Maker. Additionally, Nintendo showed the first gameplay footage of Zelda Wii U, which certainly came as a surprise.

You may be interested to hear about how Zelda Wii U’s appearance at The Game Awards came together at the last minute. Geoff Keighley, who led the way on last year’s show, spoke about this during the latest episode of GT Live.

His comments in full are as follows:

Zelda Wii U

Yesterday, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma shared news that the series’ new entry on Wii U has been delayed. IGN managed to get a comment out of Nintendo, and while it’s mostly rehash, it’s somewhat interesting.

Here’s the full statement:

As Mr. Aonuma announced, The Legend of Zelda game for Wii U is no longer targeted as a 2015 release. Rather than sticking to a specific schedule, the team wants to make this the most complete and the best game it can possibly be. The new launch timing has not yet been determined. Because we’d like to focus on developing the game, we aren’t planning on showing it at this year’s E3, where we will be highlighting games launching in 2015. We will let you know when we’re ready to share more specifics.

The last part of that statement is pretty noteworthy! Nintendo’s E3 2015 lineup is focusing on titles coming out this year, so we may not see much of what’s in store for 2016.


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