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It looks like the action mech game Megaton Musashi is getting some free DLC in an upcoming update. Level-5 announced that the “Free Update Vol. 1: Counterattack Boost Patch” will be coming to the game some time in December in Japan, and it will be adding new bosses and missions.

Specifically, there will be a new mission to battle the powerful foe Dino and an upgrade for mechs called Overlimit.  Also, more special moves and robots will be revealed for this DLC in the near future. 

This is part of Level-5’s plan to release more post-launch content as time goes on. Megaton Musashi launches for Switch in Japan on November 11, 2021.

Translation of Source provided by Gematsu.

More info has been released about the clock and timer on the Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda edition. It seems Nintendo has packed many features into the clock and timer interface of the system, meaning there is a lot to explore.

To start: when the clock screen is pulled up, the first Legend of Zelda game will display and change its environments based on the time of day it is. There are several variations of this, such as night and day scenes, but there are also special events that occur at unique times like when all the numbers are the same at “2:22.”

There are some great deals on summoning adventurers/dragons in Dragalia Lost right now. First, a free Hundredfold summon event has gone live for a day, meaning players can perform one hundred summons on a chosen summon showcase for free. Any summon showcase currently featured can be selected to do this but make sure to cash in on it before the promotion leaves on November 4, 2021 at 10:59pm PT. 

The Halloween Fantasia summon showcase is also back in the game, meaning that all of these adventurers/dragons are available to summon for a limited time:

5-star Halloween Melsa (wind/lance)
5-star Halloween Akasha (water/blade)
5-star Halloween Mym (flame/axe)
5-star Halloween Elisanne (light/lance)
4-star Halloween Lowen (flame/staff)
4-star Halloween Odetta (water/sword)
4-star Halloween Althemia (light/staff)
3-star Halloween Edward (light/blade)
5-star Halloween Maritimus (water)
4-star Halloween Silke (light)
This summon showcase will be live until November 10, 2021 at 10:59pm, and more information about some of the featured adventurers is below.

Pokemon Masters EX has added a new seasonal scout for the sync pair of Hilda & Diancie. This 5-star sync pair has Hilda in a special costume, and it will be running at the same time as the Seasonal Tiered Scout.

This Scout will last until December 9, 2021 at 10:59pm PT and more specific information can be viewed below. 

In preparation for the release of the Legend of Zelda-themed Game & Watch system that is coming in November, Nintendo has dropped some new websites for The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, and Link’s Awakening.

These websites have a huge overview of the games, including their history, game story, characters, and items. There are all sorts of new art assets here to explore, and even though each website is set to Japanese language, just the sheer amount of art is worth a look. The three websites can be accessed here for The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, and Link’s Awakening

All three of these games will be playable on the Game & Watch when it releases, and Nintendo has even detailed in a blog post the differences between the regional versions that will be featured on the devices. This blog post is also in Japanese but it has screenshots that breakdown specific dungeons and levels and their unique differences. 

A few of these differences are included below but for the full list we highly suggest taking a look at Nintendo’s blog post. The Legend of Zelda Game & Watch is releasing on November 12, 2021.

A special Platinum Showcase is live now in Dragalia Lost – this one guaranteeing a Gala Dragalia Dragon from summoning. The dragons possible of being pulled are 5 star Gala Bahamut, 5 star Gala Beast Volk, and 5 star Gala Reborn Jeanne. One of these will be guaranteed for the player, but this roster does not include the featured adventurers/dragons that are running in the Gala Dragalia. This Platinum Showcase will run until November 15, 2021. 

The Gala Dragalia is running at the same time as this Platinum Showcase, but it only lasts until November 4, 2021. This event will include some new adventurers that can be summoned at an initial appearance rate of 6%. These newly included adventurers include 5 star Halloween Laxi (light/rapid-fire manacaster), 5 star Halloween Sylas (shadow/bow), and the dragon 5 star Gala Chronos Nyx (light).

Specifics about these new adventurers can be seen below. 

Pokemon Masters EX has dropped its Halloween event Poke War Games. This is a costume event that sees some of the characters dressed up for the occasion.

A main storyline contains all these characters as well as a few individual sub-stories that feature Sync Pairs. All the parts of these stories can be unlocked with Story Keys which are rewarded for playing through the main storyline.

Here is a list of all the main and sub-stories that are included in the event:

A new facility event has come to Dragalia Lost – The Clockwork Heart. This event brings with it the exclusive facility Dr. Schmidt’s lab.
Dr. Schmidt’s lab increases the stats of adventurers who are equipped with blades or staffs. It also boosts the damage done to enemies in event quests.

Dr. Schmidt’s lab can be upgraded with conductive bolts that are earned by equipping the event-specific wyrmprint A Halloween Spectacular! The wyrmprint Adventure in the Past can also be equipped for more acclaim when clearing quests.

Finally, the Halloween Bonus is live alongside this event, giving out special rewards for players logging in. These exact rewards are listed below:

The next tour in Mario Kart Tour has been revealed, and this one features Toad and Toadette. The Toad vs. Toadette tour will start on November 2 and it will feature a Toad team (which if it’s selected will give players Toad) and a Toadette team (which if it’s selected will give players Toadette).

The 2 teams will compete for medals and whichever team gets the most wins. The members of each team are showcased in the 2 videos below.

The retro shoot ’em up Cotton 100% has received a gameplay preview on Switch. This preview is the first 17 minutes of the game and it shows the story setup as well as a good amount of combat.

This is from the Japanese version though, so there is no English in the cutscenes but the gameplay remains largely unaffected by this (there will be English localization on release). Check out the full preview and more details about the game below.

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