Video: How Splatoon 2’s “The Reef” stage has changed since its reveal
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch, Videos | 2 Comments
GameXplain has recently put out a video detailing the changes made to the Splatoon 2 stage “The Reef” since it was first revealed to the public two months ago. While it’s not a surprise to see changes made to pre-release versions of games like this, it’s interesting to see what’s been going on behind the scenes with the game. Check it out below.
More: Splatoon 2
Switch controller gets a Famicom style paint job
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in General Nintendo | 10 Comments
A dedicated Nintendo fan seems to have taken the lack of a Famicom color scheme option for the Switch into their own hands, and worked on a custom paint job for the Switch Joy-Cons and the Joy-Con Grip. The end result is quite nice, so check it out for yourself below.
Yooka-Laylee will see a Switch release “as soon as possible”, Playtonic wants to focus on developing own IP
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch eShop | 130 Comments
Playtonic’s Andy Robinson, the writer and comms director for the studio, recently answered some questions about Yooka-Laylee during an interview with Game Reactor. Some of the topics covered include the release of the game on the Switch eShop and whether or not Playtonic would be interesting in creating games with already established characters, such as Banjo-Kazooie or Donkey Kong.
On the Switch release for Yooka-Laylee:
“It’s a bit too early to go into specifics with this version, but rest assured we’re working directly with Nintendo to get it out as soon as possible for our many fans and Kickstarter backers on that platform. We’re big Nintendo fans here, so it’s very exciting to be working on Nintendo Switch.”
On how Playtonic would feel about developing a game for older, legendary characters like Banjo-Kazooie:
“The most important thing for the team at Playtonic is that we maintain the autonomy and culture that allows us to create the kind of games we want to make. When working with another company’s IP, you inherently lose some of that independence, so right now we’re focusing on expanding the Playtonic Universe of stories across many different game genres.”
With an answer like that, one has to be curious as to what Playtonic has planned for the future of their universe. You can read the full interview here.
More: interview, Playtonic, Yooka-Laylee
Old Time Hockey footage with commentary from a former NHL pro
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Game Informer has recently put up some footage from Old Time Hockey, which will eventually be available on the Switch. To spice things up, former NHL pro Mark Parrish joins them for commentary. You can check it out below.
More: indie, Old Time Hockey, V7 Entertainment
Switch Pro Controller available on Amazon
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch | 8 Comments
Update: Amazon is now out of stock, with the Pro Controller only being available from third-party sellers.
Original: Amazon has the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller available for purchase on its U.S. website. You can get yours here, while supplies last. These usually go quick, so get them while you can.
More: Amazon
GameStop: Switch provided dramatic lift with in-store traffic, potential to attract wider audience is Wii-like
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in General Nintendo, News | 12 Comments
In the latest of several positive comments about the Switch, GameStop CEO Paul Raines spoke about the positive influence that the release of the Nintendo Switch had on GameStop, and its potential to recapture the wider audience that Nintendo had during the Wii era.
“Purchase intent for Switch and Scorpio is at PS4 levels or higher. Just a note on the Switch launch: We have had a very successful launch so far, with high attach rates of software, particularly Zelda and related addons. The Switch has provided a dramatic lift in traffic in-store, and has real potential to be Wii-like in its potential to expand the gaming category from core to broad audiences.”
It seems that GameStop is very pleased with the success of Nintendo’s newest console. While only time will tell if the Switch remains as successful as it is now, comments like these certainly paint an optimistic picture.
More: GameStop, Nintendo Switch
English Bye-Bye BoxBoy! footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in 3DS eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
We have our first look at footage from the English version of Bye-Bye BoxBoy!, which you can check out below.
More: Bye-Bye BoxBoy!, HAL Laboratory
Washington D.C. bar redecorates as World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros. for Cherry Blossom Festival
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in General Nintendo | 5 Comments
The Cherry Blossom Pub, a popular bar in Washington D.C., has recently been redecorated to the theme of World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros. for the upcoming Cherry Blossom Festival. While Drink Company, the owners of the bar in question and several others in D.C., went with classic Cherry Blossom decorations for their other locations, the Super Mario pub was an idea that they couldn’t resist. Matt Fox, the special projects manager for Drink Company, had this to say during an interview with Polygon.
“The big thing that always happens in D.C. that brings in a lot of people in and is really indicative of the city is the Cherry Blossom Festival. So, what we wanted to do is bring that feeling and that look into the bar. We also wanted to do something a little bit above and beyond that, something a little bit more special and fun. We were sitting brainstorming about what else can we do along with the cherry tree, and thinking about what just speaks to us as Americans looking at Japan. Pretty much all of us grew up playing Nintendo and Super Nintendo and N64. We all grew up playing Mario. Everybody around the table, their eyes lit up and they were like, ‘Yes! This makes sense. This will be awesome. Let’s see where we can roll with that.’”
Complete with Bob-ombs, warp pipes, animatronic piranha plants and other iconic goodies hanging from the ceiling, the bar is a site to behold for any Nintendo fan. According to the project coordinator, Éamonn Fetherston, the centerpiece of the decorations is the Star Power button.
“You hit that, it triggers basically anything that’s light-up at all to start flashing in a programmed sequence. The Mario Star Power music plays, and we have a foot-tall Golden Mario that pops out of a green pipe in the ceiling. Basically, if you want to turn a room full of adults into just slack-jawed children staring up at the ceiling, that’s a good way to do it.”
You can find more pictures of the bar in the gallery below, and you can check out the full article from Polygon here.
More: Super Mario
New Yooka-Laylee footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch eShop, Videos | 2 Comments
There’s a bit of new Yooka-Laylee footage available to watch on YouTube. You can find them all below.
More: Playtonic, Team17, Yooka-Laylee
GameStop: Switch initial sales phenomenal, could “possibly eclipse” sales of Wii
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in News, Switch | 64 Comments
In a recent interview with, Eric Bright had a lot of positive things to say about the Switch. Bright, who is the the senior director of merchandising at GameStop, says that the Nintendo Switch is off to such a strong start that it could end up eclipsing the sales numbers the Wii achieved. Additionally, the console has seen some of the highest attach rates for software and accessories for any device “in a long time.”
“The Nintendo Switch is off to a start right now that it could possibly eclipse the Wii. Initial sales on this have been phenomenal. I can’t give straight numbers, but I can say we’re seeing one of the highest attach rates of software and accessories to a device that we’ve seen in a long time.”