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Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs was successfully funded on Kickstarter last year. As a result, the team promised a 3DS version. There’s been relatively little news since, but a new video was shared today showing off progress made thus far.

View the video below. Note that it’s a work in progress look at the first part of mission 1, and the final game will have new music.

Update: Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of December 12:

December 12

– 16 Nikki panels
– 4 Fire Emblem Fates panels (1 day left)
– 2 Mario icon panels (1 day left)
– 2 Mario Kart icon panels (1 day left)
– 1 Mario enemies panel (1 day left)
– 2 Kid Icarus panels (1 day left)
– 3 Pokemon panels (1 day left)
– Super Mario holiday theme offer until 12/29
– 1 free play

Unlocked: The World of Games, Revealed is a new documentary series that explores the world of video games. The new show just went live this week, and one of the episodes features Nintendo quite a bit.

Two prominent Nintendo executives spoke about the topic of competition during their segments. At one point, Nintendo of America executive vice president of operations Don James was asked about the biggest challenge the company has had to deal with. That’s what led him to mention competition. While competition can be “fierce”, James believes that Nintendo franchises act like a “secret weapon”.

He noted:

Playtonic shared a new Yooka-Laylee video this week that gives fans a taste of what Tribalstack Tropics will be like in the final game as a fully fleshed out world. We’ve posted it below.

Additional footage of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has come in specifically showing the Wii U version. Get a look at 40 minutes of gameplay below.

Following its presence at Jump Festa, Dragon Quest XI’s teaser site is now open. It’s located right here. The page contains three videos for now: the opening movie, gameplay, and a clip of new character Camus. More content should be added in 2017.

Paper Mario’s first two games featured many original characters and party members with original abilities. However, since then, the series has been moving away from that. It is especially evident in Color Splash, as many of the characters encountered are Toads.

Game Informer spoke with Kensuke Tanabe, the Wii U title’s producer, in this month’s issue. The magazine started out by asking why old NPCs from the early Paper Mario games haven’t returned. Tanabe replied with the following:

Mario has finally made his mobile debut. Super Mario Run launched on Thursday… though only on iOS. The Android release will follow in 2017.

Have you downloaded Super Mario Run? If so, have you purchased the full game, or do you intend to? What are your impressions? Perhaps you’re holding off on downloading it all together? Or maybe you’re waiting on the Android version?

That’s a lot of questions, though Super Mario Run is certainly deserving of them. If you do have any final thoughts on the title, be sure to share them with us in the comments!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Which games would you want to see on the GameCube Virtual Console?

More: ,

Members of the European media are beginning to get their hands on the western version of Dragon Quest VIII. View 45 minutes of footage below.

Wobbly Tooth has finished work on Ice Station Z’s first patch, which is coming next month. The game will be updated to version 1.1.

Players will want to download the new update since it addresses a number of issues and makes improvements to the games. If all goes according to plan, it can be downloaded beginning on January 11.

Full patch notes are posted below from an official Miiverse notice.

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