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Pokemon GO footage

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 2 Comments

As people begin to get their hands on the final version of Pokemon GO, footage is starting to come. Start out by watching a few minutes of gameplay below.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

A few new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on July 13. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Virtual Console

Wave Race 64 (N64, 1,028 yen)
Style Savvy (DS, 950 yen)


Nintendo released official videos for King’s Knight and Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 5 on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

Update: Pokemon GO is now live on iOS in Australia here. APK for Android users is located here (via).

Pokemon GO is finally here. Following the game’s announcement last September, it’s now starting to live.

Currently, Pokemon GO is up on the Google Store for Android devices here. Note that it’s not yet live on iOS. Additionally, we’re hearing that the app has not yet been made available in all territories like the United States, but we’ll keep you updated as the situation develops.

The folks over at Smosh have once again produced an “honest trailer” for a game. This time, the video focuses on Mighty No. 9. Check it out below.

The game may also have more story than Sticker Star, a game that was seemingly stripped of its narrative by generally beloved Nintendo design guru Shigeru Miyamoto, who other Nintendo developers said had suggested that game be as story-light as possible. Reminded of that comment, Tabata said,

At E3, Kotaku spoke with Nintendo producer Risa Tabata about Paper Mario: Color Splash. When the topic of story came up and how much plot the game will feature compared to Sticker Star, she said:

“This time we have–I don’t know if I want to say a proper story–but we have a story (laughs). It starts from kind of mysterious opening.. You’re not sure what is going on, and as you go through the story, you’ll realize, oh this is what happens. And there’s a lot of interesting stuff that happens with you and Huey.”

Tabata also said that Color Splash lets players carry 99 cards. That’s “a bit more than Sticker Star”, where you were more limited with the number of stickers that could be held. And as a response to criticism from the last game: “to make it a lot easier this time, we’ve put a lot of hints in the game.” Hints are optional, and will be shared by asking partner character Huey (the paint can) for advice.


Amazon Germany is now accepting pre-orders for the second wave of Super Mario amiibo. You can reserve the new seven figures here. Should come in handy for folks in Europe!

Mattel teamed up with Nintendo last year for Hot Wheel toys based on classic Mario games. A new set is now in the works, and is launching very soon.

The latest Hot Wheels are character-based. Toys for Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, and Toad are all planned.

It’s estimated that the latest set will be released sometime during August. At the latest, they should be out before the end of summer.


Like in previous years, Nintendo will be attending Gamescom 2016. The company will have a booth at the massive European expo next month.

You can find a listing of notable publishers expected at Gamescom after the break. The event will be held between August 18 and August 21.

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